Hi support,
I’m currently using this plugin on a clients blog site and I’ve been asked if it’s possible to store the current position of the load more posts, so for instance, my clients posts are being displayed by category, if they then click on a post in that category and go view it, when they return back to the previous screen they want the load more posts to be in the same position as they where when they left, so if the plugin has loaded 8 posts and the standard is 4, they want it to display the 8 that where there whe they left the page, so the laod more functiuon isn’t being reset.
Thank you
The Gate Edinburgh
I managed to make your plugin work (after trying several plugins). I changed the line 13 in ajax-load-more-by-bkker-theme.js to :
$(contentSelector).append('<a id="ajax-load-more-by-bkker-theme-trigger"><div class="col-1-1 btn"><button type="button">{text}</button></div></a>'.replace('{text}', buttonLabel));
Loading works ! Problem is, after loading page 2, if there is posts on page 3, my code isn’t loaded again and it is the code below that is loaded (default code) :
<a id="ajax-load-more-by-bkker-theme-trigger">{text}</a>
If there is no posts on page 3 there is no problems since I emptied the Finished Message field in wordpress admin.
I tried changing line 23 and 25 of the same file, but it didn’t work.
Bonus question : How can I customize the loading message the same way I did for the button label ? (I emptied the field because it was default styling).
Thank you !