The link “Donate to this plugin ?” leads to
Unfortunately, I do not understand the language used on that page, and therefore I cannot (not yet) donate …
On my site, the plugin reports the following debug message:
Notice: Function add_submenu_page was called incorrectly. The seventh parameter passed to add_submenu_page() should be numeric representing menu position.
In order to overcome this (minor) problem, I have modified the function (in file “…\ajax-bootmodal-login\inc\settings.php”)
the statement
add_options_page(__( 'BootModal Login Settings', 'alimir' ),__( 'BootModal Login Settings', 'alimir' ), 'administrator', __FILE__, 'alimir_bootModal_settings_page', __FILE__);
add_options_page(__( 'BootModal Login Settings', 'alimir' ),__( 'BootModal Login Settings', 'alimir' ), 'administrator', __FILE__, 'alimir_bootModal_settings_page', /* __FILE__ */);
i.e. I have removed the sixth parameter, so the call falls back to the default parameter.
This helped, but unfortunately my patch may be overwritten by the next update of the plugin.
]]>On my site, the plugin reports the following debug message:
This plugin uses PHP Sessions, which conflicts with the plugin 'WP Session Manager' ...
It seems to me, that your plugin does not need PHP Sessions, therefore I have removed the statement
at the beginning of your file “alimir-bootmodal-login.php”.
This helped, but unfortunately my patch may be overwritten by the next update of the plugin.
Great job, I love it, too bad it’s not updated …
The position of the alert modality is above the text and does not disappear, how can I modify it to appear above or below?
Suggestion. In the log off you could put redirection too
Greetings and thank you
Un gran trabajo, me encanta, pena que no este actualizado…
La posicion del modal de la alerta esta encima del texto y no desaparece, como lo puedo modificar para que aparezca arriba o abajo?
Sugerencia. En el log off se podria poner redireccion tambien
Un saludo y gracias
Is thr any shortcode for register modal form right now it shows only login form then inside login thr is register form
this plugin is perfect but makes one change in my theme, which is not good. When is plugin activated, it changes the dimensions of input fields in Woocommerce (cart, checkout, edit profile etc.). These fields are then so tiny that on mobile screen you even can′t ready placeholders in it.
Is it possible to fix it somehow?
Thank you!
]]>Hi ,
after registration is successfull then user get a mail with password and link of login page. I want to remove that link from mail.
please help me..
??? ???? ???? ?? ?? ???????
???? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ???????? ?????? ????!
i made a polish translation of this plugin.
Alimir do you want to this files to add it to your plugin?
Thanks for great plugin by the way ??
Aga Wozniak
How I can change the registration URL for a custom?
]]>we have default in theme(LMS) we have also integrated your plugin but still we are unable to replace the built in login with yours.
currently the default login shows on top right corner whereas your plugin is appearing in sidebars is there any way to show this plugin on top right corner.
appreciate your help.
Expecting woocommerce login and register support..
Hi Alimir,
I am having issue with the plugin that, whenever i click on login or lost password it takes me to and without any validation,
My LIVE link:
??? ?? ????? ??? ???? ???? ?? ???? ???? ?? ????? ???? ???? ? ?? ????? ???? ???? ???? : )
Great plugin thank you.
I’ve issue for loading screen… When i try to new registration or lost password the loading screen (blue image) appears but the image doesnt appear though i received mails ?
How can i solve this problem ?
Hello ali mirzaei
How are you sir? ??
please guide me that how can i change the registration e-mail sender and the text of e-mail?
thank you so much my countryman… ??
best regards
In order to register, I have to click login button and then select Register option. However, I require separate Register button on the page. Please help me
]]>Popup not working if I am using the short code . would i missed any settings?
Note : i pasted the shortcode “<?php echo do_shortcode( ‘[Alimir_BootModal_Login]’ ); ?>” in the static page[page-login]
First of all I want to thank you for such a nice work. I really love the interface & functionality of your plugin.
However, I have a question on it. Is there any way to add password field on registration form ?
Please let me know..
]]>ERROR: Please enter your First Name.
ERROR: Please enter your Last Name.
ERROR: Please enter your Display Name.
ERROR: User registration is currently not allowed.
]]>Hi! This plugin is so beautilful, is it possible to link it with social logins or is it compatible with some users plugin (users ultra, buddypress) or social login plugins (social login or other)? or can it be customized to integrate the social logins (facebook, twitter)? thank you!
]]>Hi, and thanks for this great plugin.
I’m creating a multilingual site and I’m facing a little problem:
The redirect URL always goes to the same language.
If it were possible to filter that setting, I could send each user to the proper language page instead of to a hardcoded one.
If you have an idea on how can I solve this, it’ll be great.
If not, just take this as a suggestion to your consideration.
this plugin how to use the text not button?
in my topbar have a text login link
i whis text login link use this plugin effect
please tell me thx. all
]]>I see the Login button, and I see for a second the modal window, but then it disappears. Here is a link to the dev site that has the plugin installed. You’ll see the Login button in the lower right of the homepage.
Please advise what could be the issue. Thanks!
]]>While with Chrome the Captcha refreshes when clicked, this doesn’t work with Firefox.
]]>I tried to see if this works with these 2 plugins:
with this at the same time
The login simply hangs at the first screen when I press submit.
]]>hi again Alimir,
would it be possible to use the shortcode with a custom button or element in page like a link or an image?
thanks mate,
hi there Alimir,
first of all: great plugins! Keep it up ??
would it be possible to open the modal with the registration form instead of the login form?
thanks in advance,
Hello Alimir
Thanks for this amazing plugin i love it, but i’m getting a error when i try to register new users to my website, when i used the registration form it appear a error message saying that is missing this fields “Firs Name”, “Last Name”, and “Display Name” and also shows this error “At the moment is not possible to Register new members”. I try to put them as hidden fields and add them with default values but the errors keep showing. Do you know any solution for that?
Thanks in Advance
]]>Hi, I have this plugin installed on my site, updated to latest version, but compared to your example, I still like this:
in site:
example plugin:
The scroll disappears captcha letters are not equal, and above clickar not updated and out of position .. what happens? I’m doing something wrong? Thank you.