Eklenti ayarlar?nda Product Settings b?lümünden Product Attributes ve Product Categories se?eneklerini a?m?? olmam?za ra?men a??klama olu?tururken buradaki de?erleri dikkate alm?yor. ürün a??klamar?nda ürün ?zelliklerinden herhangi bir ibareye rastlayam?yoruz.
Ayn? sayfaya girip ilgili se?enekleri kapat?p a??p tekrar kaydedince a?a??daki hatay? al?yoruz:
Parametreler ge?ersiz: enable_product_tags, enable_product_price, enable_product_sku (Error Code: rest_invalid_param)
]]>I love the plugin but I would like my descriptions to be a bit more formatted, currently it will mash text all together instead of seperating into paragraphs and making bullet points for any product highlights etc
I played around with the system prompt but it never seems to format it.
Is there anyway to achieve this?
Great plugin.
Is it possible to run the description generator on all products at once? I’ve thousands of products, and doing it one by one will be very time consuming.
Thank you