Hi Andrew,
I would be grateful if you just update the plugin’s release date so that I can update it on all my sites and make the warnings I get e.g. from MainWP and Wordfence go away.
Thank you very much,
It’s 7 months since thsi plug in last has been updated – will the compability be updated to wordpress 6.4.1 – or is this plugin obsolete
]]>We tried the free trial of the pro version and got an API key that we tried to insert into our website.
Unfortunately, your plugin (Advanced TinyMCE Configuration) that we used to use tiny MCE on WordPress is not recognising the API key that we got when we purchased the premium version.
After this, we tried to add it manually into the code, but there we had the same issue: not recognising the API key.
When we tried to add the “Export to PDF” addon, we got the following error:
(function(pluginName, message) { tinymce.PluginManager.add(pluginName, function(editor) { editor.on(“skinLoaded”, function() { if (!editor.getParam(‘service_message’)) { editor.notificationManager.open({ text: message, type: ‘warning’ }); } }); return { isStub: true }; }); })(“export”, “The export premium plugin is not enabled on your API key. \u003ca target=”_blank” href=”https://www.tiny.cloud/pricing//%22/u003eUpgrade your account\u003c/a\u003e.”);
Could you please check this and come back to us with a solution ?
]]>I would like to pull out the single ‘Add Media’ icon without necessarily activating the full Command Toolbar
File Edit etc.
Hi there,
Hoping you can help. I have your plugin installed to enable paste_as_text in my front-end editor.
For some reason though this means the Gallery option in the Media Library no longer works.
Instead of the gallery inserting a shortcode we get an image placeholder.
Oddly if I open that post or product in the back end the placeholder is converted to a shortcode.
Is there another setting I need to enable or something?
I have a pre-install questions about your precious plug in.
Is there setting for line spacing or line height?
I want to adjust the vertical space between lines of text in WP Bakery.
]]>Getting the message the TinyMCE is not initializing WordPress 5.8.1
]]>I have a multisite installation in my institution, where every department has its own site. It would be great if I could manage the editor restrictions for all sites, at the same time.
]]>Bonjour ,j’ai réalisé plusieurs mises à jour des plugins aujourd’hui ,ensuite j’ai eu plusieurs messages d’erreur dans l’éditeur des pages :
“Failed to load plugin: media from url https://www. monsite.com/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/media/plugin.min.js”
please help me resolve this error?
]]>How can I change the width of the text inside the editor field?
My theme adapts the width according to the pixels of the device – and it seems to me that tinymce changes this width according to the lowest value.
So the editor itself is always full width on my screen – but the text in the block itself is way too narrow. I would like to set it to fullwidth or alternatively 1900 pixels. How can I do that?
I found something about texarea_rows but don’t know if I’m really looking at the right thing.
]]>How do I remove non breaking spaces ( )?
Note: I am using a slightly modified version of this code to clean-up styles added when pasting from Google Docs
Thanks for this plugin, it’s a godsend – I’ve been hunting for a solution for nearly a year and even the expert tech support people I’ve been hounding have been scratching their heads.
Just discovered this plugin today! ??
However, even though I configured extended_valid_elements to preserve the a[href|…..] tag, it only works if I have a tag like
But if I use the tag javascript as in <a href="javascript:void()">
the href tag is stripped out completely.
Is there something I need to do to include sub-tags (like “javascript”) in the extended_valid_elements list?
What is it about javascript or javascript:void()
that makes this tag different from, say href=”#”? Does it matter which one I use? Is it no longer good coding to use javascript:void()
, but just stick to # or something…?
Tinymce’s default font size is 14px
I want to change default font size(15 or 16)
how to change default font size?
Best Regards,
I had this message from TinyMCE authors this morning:
Please note the official support window for TinyMCE 4 is ending on December 31, 2020. If you haven’t already upgraded to TinyMCE 5 it is highly encouraged that you do so. Upgrading will give you access to the latest releases and updates made to our WYSIWYG editor focused on bringing the latest UX and developer features into the editing experience. To assist with upgrading the editor we have put together a migration guide you can use here – https://www.tiny.cloud/blog/how-to-migrate-from-tinymce-4-to-tinymce-5/
I have asked on a WordPress forum when they might update to version 5. But do you think it will be easy for your plugins to be upgraded too?
I will have mine to look at too. Not much code in mine plugin. Don’t think a single person has ever installed it. ??
PS. your plugin gives a warning saying it is not up to date with latest WordPress.
]]>i’m trying to get the statusbar (.mce-statusbar, .mce-path) to display when the editor is in ‘full height’ mode
i did this before with some css in editor-style.css, however an update to WP or this plugin broke it at some point
i’ve tried the following without joy…
div.mce-statusbar {
visibility: visible !important;
display: block !important;
.mce-statusbar > .mce-container-body .mce-path {
flex: unset !important;
display: block !important;
visibility: visible !important;
.mce-statusbar {
visibility: visible !important;
.mce-statusbar > .mce-container-body {
display: block;
visibility: visible !important;
Когда создаю текстовый редактор, текст по умолчанию становится семейства Georgia, размера 16px и часто серым цветом (скрин в ссылке).
Как сделать, что бы семейство, размер и цвет шрифта по умолчанию были нужные мне? Именно в редакторе, когда набираю текст. Устал его менять каждый раз на другой.
Thanks for your plugin. I added two options:
paste_preprocess | function(plugin, args){
// Strip all HTML tags except those we have whitelisted
var whitelist = 'p,strong,em,i,b,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,ul,li,ol';
var stripped = jQuery('<div>' + args.content + '</div>');
var els = stripped.find('*').not(whitelist);
for (var i = els.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var e = els[i];
// Strip all class and id attributes
// Return the clean HTML
args.content = stripped.html();
and extended_valid_elements | strong/b,em/i
These are to clean HTML code when pasting from Word. The first one seems to work (it removes not whitelisted tags, etc.) but the second one does not: I still have b and i tags in my editor, while I’d like them to be replaced by strong and em ones.
Thanks for your help.
]]>Hi! Please help me to create keyboard shortcut. Problem is my changes not saving.
When I click to “Show the default TinyMCE settings”, “Change” and then try to "Underline":"metaU"
to "Underline":"metaM"
, my changes not saving. The visual editor (not Gutenberg) still responds to “Ctrl + U”.
Optional: What should I enter for a new keyboard shortcut if I want to assign “Alt + Ctrl + Space” to Non Breaking Space button?
]]>Hi all,
Completely beginner with coding, javascript, etc…
A part of my code (the javascript link) disappear when I switch to visual mode
I downloaded the advanced-tinymce-configuration.1.5 plugin, and tried this without any success :
extended_valid_elements : a[*]
Thanks in advance for your help,
Can I add Advanced TinyMCE to comment area?
If that possible, what’s the method.
Thanks ??
]]>Will this plug-in allow me to set the default text font and size? I use Elementor canvas most of the time so these are not set in the theme.
]]>I have the following settings for the Advanced TinyMCE configuration plugin:
{title : 'Deadline', inline : 'span', classes : 'deadline'},
{title : 'Example 1', inline : 'span', classes : 'example1'},
{ title: 'Prose', inline: 'span', classes: 'prose' }
It ads the span tags, but never adds the classes. Is the code wrong, please?
how could i set the tinymce editor max height + make it reachable in Advanced TinyMCE Configuration?
]]>Dear Andrew,
I’m confused while trying to add new styles. Started with a simple example:
{title: ‘Red’, selector: ‘span’, classes: ‘red’}
I’ve got error loading the editor:
WP5.1 and plugins TinyMCE5 and Advanced TinyMCE Configuration 1.4
Is there anywhere a list of configuration pairs / exmaples for the “Adv TinyMCE Configuration”, please?
]]>I need to keep TinyMCE from stripping the caption
, col
, and colgroup
elements from my tables. It seems like the best way to do this is to add those elements using extended_valid_elements
, but I can’t figure out how to get it to work. I tried adding caption,col,colgroup and then caption[*],col[*],colgroup[*], but that didn’t stop the editor from stripping those tags.
Am I missing something? (I tried looking through the TinyMCE documentation, but it was no help at all.)
In order to enable translation of this plugin over at translate.www.remarpro.com at lest the following needs to be addressed:
Your plugin slug is advanced-tinymce-configuration, but your Text Domain is adv-mce-config. Change your Text Domain in adv-mce-config.php so it is equal to your slug!
Thank you for this helpful plugin! Is it possible to use the plugin to configure TinyMCE tables to use percentage widths rather than fixed pixel widths so that they are responsive? The TinyMCE documentation indicates that you can set a ‘table_responsive_width: true’ attribute however I am unsure how to configure this in Advanced TinyMCE Configuration. Thanks for any help!
]]>I looked at the documentation and did not see anywhere on how to “install font” Granted I might have missed it, but would appreciate any help.. The font I am trying to install is call “poppins”
]]>Hi, I’m having issues with the HTML tag ‘scope’ not being added when adding columns or rows to an existing table. First I should mention we realized this was not happening when our tables’ responsiveness started getting broken by the TinyMCE editor by adding unwanted inline css styles of width and height to all cells of a table when an additional row or column was added to it. (Our tables responsive styles are in our main css style sheet)
We have WordPress version 4.9.8 with the classic editor enabled (not using Gutenberg). We are using the TinyMCE plugin and the TinyMCE Config plugins.
We have had some success with the above issue by adding in the TinyMCE config:
Option: invalid_styles
Value: th: width height,td:width height
Option: table_clone_elements
Value: tr
Using the above, no widths and heights will be added to the tables. Also adding table_clone_elements allows adding of rows, but putting th or td there will cause a duplication of each column/row added so we didn’t add those.
The problem we still have is that the HTML tag ‘scope’ of the table headers (<th>) is not being added when additional columns/rows are added to the existing tables. I tried adding ‘table[scope]’ to the extended_valid_elements, and ‘scope’ to the table_clone_elements but that did not work.
Any help would be appreciated. We are trying to keep our site WCAG 2.0 compliant.
]]>“The Advanced TinyMCE Configuration plugin requires attention: you are running TinyMCE 4.0 (WordPress 3.9 or newer) but the settings for the editor have not been updated. This can result in errors while editing, or the editor may fail completely.”