Currently, all tab content get’s loaded on initial page load. Is it possible to load the content only when tab is clicked?
]]>Hello ,
Seems that the block doesn’t work anymore if I upgrade to any version from WP v6.5 , latest version which works is 6.4.4 , will there be an update ?
]]>When it is activated I cannot edit header or footer in the astra customizer, the elements pop up does not appear.
]]>My tabs are for months of the year. I had January as the active tab and all was good. Today I deleted the January tab. Now none of the tabs have an active state. I would expect the now first tab of February to be active.
As an experiment, I started over with January as active. I then moved the January tab to the middle of the year and when I reloaded the page, the January tab was active. So it appears the first tab that is active remains active. This explains why when it’s deleted, nothing is active. Clicking on any tab will make it active and it will display accordingly. The tab content displays as it should, but there is no indication of the tab itself being active.
It would be nice to have a way to assign active status to a particular tab. Or at least have the first tab in the list to default to active. As it stands now, when the page first loads, there is no way to highlight the tab that is currently being displayed, they all look the same.
]]>In the Design section, under Titles Container, any background color I choose does not show up. The block retains the default blue color.
Looking in Firefox inspector I see that the default background-color is applied to the ul element. However, all the options in Design tab including the background color all get applied to the div element that surrounds the ul.
The solution for me was to add a line of css.
.wp-block-atbs-tabs .tabs-titles {
background-color: transparent !important;
This makes the ul transparent thereby allowing the selected color option on the div to show up.
]]>Is it planned to improve accessibility? I would like to be able to navigate with the Tab key between the tabs. Thank you for the work
]]>Tabs still display on front end, but editor HTML now errors after update to 6.4.1
]]>Hello, thank you for this plugin.
After yesterdays WordPress update I keep getting this error in Gutenberg editor:
Witryna nie obs?uguje bloku Horizontal Tab. Mo?na spróbowa? go zainstalowa?, przekszta?ci? jego tre?? we w?asny blok HTML lub ca?kowicie usun??.
Zainstaluj Horizontal Tab | Zachowaj jako HTML
Which translates to:
The site does not support the Horizontal Tab block. You can try installing it, converting its content into a custom HTML block, or removing it completely.
Install Horizontal Tab | Save as HTML
When I click on “Install Horizontal Tab” button, there’s another error:
B??d podczas rejestrowania bloku. Prosz? od?wie?y? stron?.
Error registering block. Please refresh the page.
Please help with fixing that problem.
]]>Hi there, since the new update, whenever I add additional tabs the tab label includes a strange icon by default. This can be turned off, however, I don’t want the icons enabled to begin with.
Can you please let me know how to turn off the icon option – so that new tabs do not have an icon unless I specifically enable it?
I have a problem on desktop version, i have added custom svg to tab, and i only can see the icons on mobile, on desktop the svg files are partly visible
i remade tabs, added different for mobile and desktop, the problem is still present
]]>I want to use Vertical tabs which it says are Pro only but I can’t find any information on how to buy the pro version!
I updated the plugin to last version and the tabs added in my post doesn’t work anymore. I used the “tabs block”, now after update doesn’t exist anymore, has been replaced with another blocks and the old ones are broken.
I rolled back the version and it’s working again.
]]>First of all I want to thank you for such an amazing plugin. I am playing around with some content and nesting tabs. I have 2 main categories Desktop and Mobile, under each of them there are several more items. So I copied the HTML code for the tab code and nested one under desktop and one under mobile and fill the contents via code.
The only issue I ran into is that when you change from Desktop to Mobile, the first content you see on mobile is actually the contents from the second tab, you’ve to click the first item to actually see the first tab content.
What I believe is happening is that since I am nesting the tabs the nested tab is in a way getting the info from the first tab and since I am switching to the second tab it also switched to the second tab on the nested element, I dont know if I explain it very well.
I don’t know if you actually support nested tabs or I messed up something since I include the nested tabs via code. Thanks for any insight that might help me solve this.
I just installed version 1.2.1 but it did not work properly. The tabs did not work and also when editing the page it was not recognized by Gutenberg editor. I had to revert to version 1.14 and it is working again.
I updated my site to WP version 6.3.1 lately, but the advanced tabs worked fine.
What can cause this problem ?
]]>Edit: Nevermind, mistake was on my side
]]>Hello. Great plugin, thanks for creating it. I’ve noticed that the initial active tab is not displayed if the user does not have Javascript. The tab button has the .active
class but not the content. It would be great if .active
could be added to the content too, as this would allow something to be shown to users who have Javascript inactive and much better for SEO.
]]> used for SEO by Google highlights the error below. It appears you are not using the correct aria annotation. Possibly aria-label is more appropriate than aria-controls.
?attributes do not have valid values
<li class=”atbs__tab-label active” role=”tab” aria-selected=”true” aria-controls=”KJV” tabindex=”0″>
]]>This plugin looked very promising, but got this error as soon as the block was added to the page:
This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed.
In a previous post I suggested the option of defaulting the list to a different tab than the first one when the page loads.
Another problem is when a user sets a tab, browse another site and then goes back. the WP page will show the default tab (now is only the first tab), and not the tab he was browsing.
Another plug I use (List category posts) that offers pagination, uses URL params to return to the same place the user left, for example: will return to the page and set the list#1 to page 3.
Just a suggestion (and probably much easier to suggest than to do).
In any case, the plug is great at it is, and thanks very much for your effort.
]]>Hello, I downloaded the plugin and set everything up. Everything is fine apart from the box shadow which still apears on the site. I turned content box shadow off, the label says “box shadow is disabled” but unfortunately it is still on. I tried to turn it off with CSS but It didn’t change anything.
Could you look at this issue?
]]>First I want to thank you for this plugin. I seems just what I needed.
I wonder if is possible to set the page to start with not with the first tab active, but another once.
for instance if the first tab is “About” and the second is “What’s new?” – I’d like the page to open with “What’s new?” tab
Can rearrange of course, but maybe there is such option.
Thank you again
]]>Hello, I installed this plugin a couple of months ago and was using the vertical tabs layout. But now after I updated to the latest version, the vertical tabs layout says it is only available in Pro. Is that correct? Was this functionality available at first and then removed?
]]>Hi! I was playing around with this plugin on a development server where PHP8 is installed and found a lot of warnings like this:
Warning: Undefined array key "contentBorderStyle" in .../wp-content/plugins/advanced-tabs-block/templates/tabs.php on line 29
The solution I found worked, but only if I changed the plugin files. Which is never the right way to fix it.
Is there a way these warnings can be fixed in the next update?
Many thanks in advance!
Hi there,
First at all, thank you for your plugin, it is a pretty good solution for me but i’m having a problem to use nested tabs I think cause’ the javascript doesn’t work with a group of tabs inside a tab.
It would be possible to support nested tabs to use a group of tabs inside of a tab in the near future?
Thank you in advance.`
your js file /wp-content/plugins/advanced-tabs-block/lib/js/tabs.js get loaded in the site by just installing and activating your plugin. It should only be loaded when we use it on a page. This will affect the page speed score as an extra script load without being used on the page.