Will this plugin allow me to use a connect URL directly to a steam game server.
Example. My website has an image RUST Weekly Server. Click the image that says rust weekly server and it will open steam –> Rust –> Connect to our server
]]>I was looking close at your code which is a real mess to debug and I noted that there are numerous syntax errors present
<!-- Advanced Steam Widget last updated at Thu, 06 May 2021 20:33:35 +0000 --><div id="advancedsteamwidget-3" class="sidebar-wrap advanced_steam_widget"><h3>STEAM</h3>?
using a style is that location is incorrect
if you snip out your styles into a CSS file it would be easier to spot obvious errors
]]>I noticed the CSS was stuffed into a block instead of using the WP mechanism for a adding some CSS to the header
this results in a HTML errors that make it hard for a browser to parse
]]>Not sure if anyone is still here, but how can I show games “longer than 2 weeks”?
Is there a way I can show “ALL GAMES”? As currently it is only showing 3 games.
]]>Can you add article colour to Advanced Steam Widget? My wordpress background is black and my game names can’t read.
]]>I just installed some certificates from the Let’s Encrypt initiative and switched my games blog among others over to https-only. I have weeded out all other non-encrypted sources (decorative widget images and the like) but I still get a ‘partially encrypted’ message from Firefox when I visit.
I believe that the the game icons that the Advanced Steam Widget loads are the cause of this, as they have http and not https addresses when I go through the page’s source code.
You can see for yourself at https://games.brokkr.net
Is this correct? And if so, is it possible to have the plugin use https when getting ressources?
]]>Instead of just a static widget of a specified user in widgets, it would make much more sense to add this functionality in the buddypress profile of users and show their selective info from steam. That would make this plugin widely accepted. Right now it looks like the plugin has been made for one individual to show his/her stats on a personal page. The plugin has the potential and if the developer doesn’t do it, somebody should definitely extend it. I can pay for getting this done within my budget range.
]]>I added 76561198116830022 as the steam id but it says I’m offline and there aren’t any games listed.
]]>I installed this and no matter what i put for my username it shows the developers steam information. Profile “Snake” which is written in the source code. I have it disabled until I hear of how to fix this issue.
I am getting an error message above the widget.
]]>Warning: curl_setopt_array() [function.curl-setopt-array]: Array keys must be CURLOPT constants or equivalent interger values. in /mnt/153/sdb/9/9/gael.d2000/wp-content/plugins/advanced-steam-widget/steam_widget.php on line 660
Sorry, nevermind ?? It just took like a week to update apparently >.>
I’m using this plugin for the first time. My WP is running with 3.8.1. So far so good – my steam profile (incl.picture) appears, so that seems to work, but though I played several games in the last two weeks, it always shows “No Steam games played recently”.
So, does it simply not work with this WP version or did I miss something? The setup seems pretty simple… but you never know ??
Problem can be seen under: https://www.about-life.de/
]]>Would it be possible to add a “last played” pattern? Something like %GAME_LAST_PLAYED% or something to that effect.
]]>I really like the idea of this plugin. Are there any plans to allow this to be integrated into buddypress for users to have in their member profiles and groups?
I have a site that would really take to that type of feature.
]]>I have developed a widget for display group members, using ajax.
(you can see it here https://bcscommunity.it)
I’m started from this code, but there are really al changed.
If you want to merge my code I’m glad to send it to you.
(I can’t find your email)
Amazing plugin, love it to bits. Unfortunately since the update to WordPress 3.7.1 it seems to be broken. First thing I noticed was the <div>%HOURS_TWOWEEKS% hrs / 2 wks</div> line of code only shows 0.0 hrs / 2 wks and then I noticed the game list was not updating, I compared it to my page at steampowered.com, although it shows the 5 most recent games and times it is from before the wordpress update. Is there going to be an update released soon? thanks.
]]>I have a few issues with the widget.
1. Mine looks nothing like the screenshots. Steam profile avatar is not displaying just a white box
2. Doesn’t seem to be updating when im online just continues to say offline. waited 30mins and still no change.
Its hard to explain whats going on so heres a link to the site so you can see.
]]>How to do that?
]]>The widget is working, but from time to time I am getting an error message above the widget.
Warning: curl_setopt_array() [function.curl-setopt-array]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when safe_mode is enabled or an open_basedir is set in /public/wp-content/plugins/advanced-steam-widget/steam_widget.php on line 260
I really like the widget you’ve made. But got a question/request – would it be possible to add support for Steam group?
We have a community website, driver with WordPress and Buddypress, and it would be really cool to add our group statistics to it.