How can I change default values?
]]>I would rather this be in the body of a page rather than a sidebar
Is there a shortcode that we can use to do that?
I was wondering if there is a way to format/tidy up the form a bit.
Nice plugin and appreciate your support.
]]>Plugin author: I don’t know if is possible to commit this changes I’ve made to make the plugin front text string translatable so I place it over here for your review and if is possible add it in the next versions so me and the rest of this plugin users can receive this addon with the rest of upcoming updates if exists.
The changes are just inside the aremc_markup() where I envolve the outputted text like “Selling Price”, “Down Payment”… etc inside the function __() which makes this strings translatable via the WPML Multilingual plugin.
function aremc_markup(){
$aremc_price = get_option('aremc_price');
$aremc_down = get_option('aremc_down');
$aremc_interest = get_option('aremc_interest');
$aremc_years = get_option('aremc_years');
$aremc_txt_selling_price = __(get_option('aremc_txt_selling_price')); //Translate via WPML
$aremc_txt_down_payment = __(get_option('aremc_txt_down_payment')); //Translate via WPML
$aremc_txt_interest_rate = __(get_option('aremc_txt_interest_rate')); //Translate via WPML
$aremc_txt_years = __(get_option('aremc_txt_years')); //Translate via WPML
$aremc_txt_monthly_payment = __(get_option('aremc_txt_monthly_payment')); //Translate via WPML
$aremc_txt_instructions = __(get_option('aremc_txt_instructions')); //Translate via WPML
$aremc_txt_money_symbol = get_option('aremc_txt_money_symbol');
$aremc_markup = '<form id="aremc" action=""><table><tr><td><span class="aremc_label">' . $aremc_txt_selling_price . '</span><span class="aremc_field">' . $aremc_txt_money_symbol . '<input name="text" type="text" id="textA" onfocus="this.className=';
$aremc_markup .= "'boxFocus'";
$aremc_markup .= '" onkeydown="xdelay(';
$aremc_markup .= "'a'";
$aremc_markup .= ')" value="' . $aremc_price . '" size="12" autocomplete="off" /></span></td><td><span class="aremc_label">'. $aremc_txt_down_payment . '</span><span class="aremc_field">' . $aremc_txt_money_symbol . '<input name="text4" type="text" id="textD" onkeydown="xdelay(';
$aremc_markup .= "'d'";
$aremc_markup .= ')" value="' . $aremc_down . '" size="12" autocomplete="off"/></span></td></tr><tr><td><span class="aremc_label">' . $aremc_txt_interest_rate . '</span><span class="aremc_field"><input name="text2" type="text" id="textB" onfocus="this.className=';
$aremc_markup .= "'boxFocus'";
$aremc_markup .= '" onkeydown="xdelay(';
$aremc_markup .= "'b'";
$aremc_markup .= ')" value="' . $aremc_interest . '" size="5" autocomplete="off"/>%</span></td><td><span class="aremc_label">' . $aremc_txt_years . '</span><span class="aremc_field"><input name="text3" type="text" id="textC" onfocus="this.className=';
$aremc_markup .= "'boxFocus'";
$aremc_markup .= '" onkeydown="xdelay(';
$aremc_markup .= "'c'";
$aremc_markup .= ')" value="' . $aremc_years . '" size="5" autocomplete="off"/></span></td></tr><tr><td><span class="aremc_label">' . $aremc_txt_monthly_payment . '</span><span class="aremc_field">' . $aremc_txt_money_symbol . '<input name="text5" type="text" id="resultbox" onkeydown="xdelay(';
$aremc_markup .= "'x'";
$aremc_markup .= ')" value="" size="12"/></span></td><td><span class="aremc_text">' . $aremc_txt_instructions . '</span></td><td style="clear:both;"><!-- --></td></tr></table></form>';
return $aremc_markup;
]]>Hello from San Antonio!
I changed the default values in the php file but the plugin keeps the original values. Is there are specific method to getting the new default values to appear instead? Please advise.
Thanks for the useful plugin.
]]>Is it possible, and can you tell me how to reset the default selling price and down payment?
]]>Hey there,
Great plugin but I was getting an error because the plugin loads js and makes calls to JQuery.cookie in the WP Admin, but does not load the jquery cookie plugin.
Added in an action so that it does load the jquery cookie plugin in the WP Admin which you can see in below pdf
If we could add this to future update would be great. Thanks!
]]>Wanted to know is it possible to change the currency from $ to Ksh and if so how do i go about doing it.
]]>I have this installed on several sites and everyone loves it. I notice that there seems to be something leftover at the bottom, which makes the distance between it and the next widget seem far apart.
new site
If you look just under the calculate text, there is an extra box.
]]>Hi thank’s for your really good plugin,
I have 2 questions,
1) how i can add a new fied global cost
cause actually your plugin calculate only the mensuality but it’s will be great if he can calculate equally the total global cost
It’s possible to make that myself or maybe you will do a update with this new field ?
2) how i can translate in the field mensuality the word Infinity ?
Thanks for all, have you paypal donation address ?
Best Regard
]]>Hello, I am using the plugin “Advanced Real Estate Mortgage Calculator” in Spanish language and the translated works fine but the Monthly Payment field shows the figures in a version prepared for Dollars and not Euros.
My question is: ?I could change the comma by point?
If you want to see this problem on the web I’m working can visit the following link
Thank you very much and best regards!
]]>Hi, After installation and activation , how i place my calculator into my web page ?
Please help me to define the process or which code i use for viewing my additional page?
]]>I’ve identified the cause of this problem which occurs in Chrome and IE, but not Firefox.
The issue is caused by the use of onkeydown as the trigger event to call the thousands/decimal string separator function addSeparatorsNF().
Though I’m not sure why FF interprets this differently, it looks like addSeparatorsNF is effected before the change is registered to the input’s value, thus addSeparatorsNF runs, outputs the updated default value, and the typed number is added to the end of the returned default value as this is where cursor is pushed to after the function executes.
I guess it’s not so much a bug with the plugin code as it is a browser interpretation issue, and for now the simplest fix seems to be using onchange as event trigger (not intuitive) or a submit button instead of auto updating. Alternatively a setTimeout delay might be a worthwhile fix.
Additionally, there seems to be duplicate functions within the .js file, e.g. xdelay1(), xdelay2() etc. I haven’t looked at them all but at a glance they seemed to be unused duplicate functions, so I have deleted them from my implementation without any apparent malfunctions.
]]>Dear Josh,
Thank you very much for your great job. I use your extension on my real estate website since months.
As many people in the world (90% !), my first language is not English. To publish your extension in French on my website, I’ve to edit the source code, and to replace all the visible texts (Selling Price, Down Payment, etc.) by French sentences.
It’s not a problem.
But… the problem comes when you publish updates. The new version replaces all files, and I have to edit again and again the texts in French.
Would it be possible (in a future new release) to save the texts in an separate file (not in the main file advanced-real-estate-mortgage-calculator.php), to avoid the texts to be always replaced when a new update comes?
Thank you very much, kind regards,
]]>I’ve installed update. After this, the widget inside ‘Drawer plugin’ is broken:
the ‘monthly rate’ field is empty, without date, always.
In side bar widget, instead, Mortgage plugin run correctly.
With previous version, was all ok.
Love your plugin, but I think it would be wonderful if the plugin could be managed by editor not just admin.
Thanks ??