This plugin looks awesome, have you tested its compatibility with ACF 5?
]]>First respect for your the Idea and your work.
I really like the idea behind and would like to see it working, but after plugin activation and uploading a page_contact.php with the suggested demo fields from your second example I got some internal server errors while i tried to edit some pages…
Any Ideas or Improvements?
Config with latest Versions of:
Wordpress 3.9.2
Genesis Framework 2.1.2
Advanced Custom Fields 4.3.8
I’m getting a lot of messages on my error log about the lines 119 and 120 of index.php when I’m trying to edit an old page which I created with Advanced Page Template. I think the error is because a theme change or plugin removed (I’m still working on the site).
The problem is that the plug-in fails to open the file in line 118, and then it falls into an infinite loop, and my server has 100% of CPU and memory usage.