I seem to be having an issue in regards to creating custom Widgets using the ACF: Widget plug-in. As it stands I have worked through the example posted at https://www.directbasing.com/resources/wordpress/advanced-custom-fields-widget/#create-kick-ass-widgets-with-acf by adding in the example widget code into my functions.php file.
When I go to the widget screen ‘Example Widget’ is now an option that I can drag into my sidebars, however when I amend any of my ACFs and try to set a rule to display these fields inside the custom widget I have no option to select it, as can be seen here, https://s31.postimg.org/4q82yp7ez/example.png
Any help on this would me much appreciated.
]]>Widget does not see my ACF field groups.
Also, the Delete link fails to delete a widget.
Using plugin 1.0.2, ACF Pro, WP 4.5.3/
]]>So I have now figured out this widget doesn’t work out of the box, then I found the documentation: https://www.directbasing.com/resources/wordpress/advanced-custom-fields-widget/
I assume I have to skip down to here, right? => https://www.directbasing.com/resources/wordpress/advanced-custom-fields-widget/#create-kick-ass-widgets-with-acf
So let see: I added the code into my functions.php and modified the “Example Widget” to suit my needs.
And then, FAIL:
Now go to your WordPress admin, hit the Custom Fields tab, and create a new Field Group. On the “Location” box, select “Widget” in the first select box. You will now see your widget, “Example Widget”, in the third select box. Everything for the admin section is now set.
WP admin => CF => create new CF => Location does not contain “Widget” – what now? => see screenshot: https://db.tt/ShraD2u5
]]>I’m using the latest version of ACF and ACF widget , I have created a new widget and custom fields and I’m trying to display them in front end.
I’m receiving the following error
ACF Key:
[field_56fba257a9fd5] => Select 2
Use get_field( ‘fieldname’, \$acf_key ); to get the fields in the widget function.
Thank you !
Is it possible to have this plugin working with WordPress Customizer? I would like to use Customizer as a page builder + widgets + acf.
]]>Hi there,
I’m using ACF 4.4.5 and am having a little trouble getting this plugin to work. First of all, after creating a custom widget area, in the Location Rules I never get my custom-named widget available in the 3rd box. It’s always a generic widget called “Widget”. However, so long as I assign the right field group ID to the widget itself, the fields appear in admin correctly.
But I’m using a repeater field here. I’ve tried the following code, and can’t get anything to print, let alone list properly:
<div class="exampleWidget">
<h3>This is our example widget</h3>
<p>We can grab field values like this:</p>
// check for rows (sub repeater)
if( have_rows('select_products', 218) ):
<ul class="fa-ul">
// loop through rows (sub repeater)
while( have_rows('select_products', 218) ): the_row();
print_r(get_field('product_name', 218));
// display each item as a list - with a class of completed ( if completed )
<li><i class="fa-li fa fa-download"></i><?php the_sub_field('product_name', 218); ?></li>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; //if( get_sub_field('documents') ): ?>
Not sure what I’m doing wrong. I’ve tried using $widget_id instead of the actual ID of 218, and still nothing. Help!
]]>I add the widget but the dropdown doesn’t show me anz ACF groups even though I do have a few.
Anyone else experiencing this issue_
]]>Downloaded and installed, but the widget shows no option for selecting a specific custom field group. Help please!
I’m using latest version of everything.
When activating the widget on a subsite of a multisite environment, the widget can be draged in the widgetbox. But the dropdown menu of selecting a group remains empty. No options/groups to select. Output on my FrontPage is this (pure plain tekst):
ACF Key:
Use get_field(“fieldname”, $acf_key); to get the fields in the widget function.
]]>Hi, thank you for the plugin. I need some help.
Is this something you spect? drp.mk/i/3r57
That is what is showing on the frontend, currently I had asigned 3 ACF’s, Text, image and text area, to the “Widget” field group, then in the widgets area, there is the widget with the option to select the field group. Everything is fine until its shown on the front end.
I’ll apreciate some help.