I’ve seen a couple threads saying this isn’t functional with the latest ACF versions. That’s actually not true. You just need to enter the below code to change the select2 version. I don’t know how this impacts other ACF functionality, but it does make TagIt work.
add_filter( 'acf/settings/select2_version', function( $version ) {
return 3; // 3 or 4
Is there a way to auto-populate the tag it field with the tags that are in the built-in wordpress tag system?
]]>Wanting to let the developer know that as of Advanced Custom Fields PRO version 5.6.0, ACF now uses Select2 JS v4.
This update breaks the functionality of the Tag It fields because of changes in how Select2 JS now works.
Seeing how this plugin hasn’t been updated in over a year now, I’m wondering if either I should modify the plugin to work with the new changes, or if it will be updated by the author?
ACF PRO Changelog https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/changelog/
Select2 V4 new usage https://select2.github.io/examples.html
Select2 V3.x.x usage https://select2.github.io/select2/ (note the differences)
For anyone else who may stumble upon this thread in the future, the issue is ends up being that Select2 has changed to work with only select boxes and not input fields (as it currently is), as well as requiring data attributes.
It’s a somewhat tricky problem especially in making sure that pre-existing data displays properly after switching the field from input to select. I’ve not yet solved the problem in the plugin code at this time, hoping the author can tackle that ??
In the meantime, I’ve downgraded ACF PRO to version 5.5.14 which is the most recent version of ACF that is compatible with this plugin.
I noticed an error caused by the fact ACF has updated the default select2 library version to 4 – https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/changelog/
Tag-it no longer renders properly. I’ve resolved the issue by creating a quick-fix plugin add-on which does the following but I would recommend updating the Tag-it add-on to work with the new version of ACF:
add_action('acf/init', function() {
acf_update_setting('select2_version', 3);
This plugin is great! It would be nice if it didn’t have the “auto-suggest” dropdown when “Available Tags” is not specified/blank. I just want to be able to type in any tag without the auto-suggest dropdown.
Is this easily done, or would the plugin need to be modified?
Thank you,
Hi there and thanks for the plugin. It was introduced into our site by a contractor and now I’m trying to figure something out.
Is there a way to reorder tags once you’ve set them? I thought I had seen our contractor using drag and drop, but right now our only option is to delete the whole list and reenter it in the order we want.
]]>i create tag but not linked !!! what can i do ?
]]>Keep getting this error.
PHP Notice: Undefined index: font_size in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/advanced-custom-fields-tag-it/field.php on line 34
]]>I’m using the Tag it Field add on for ACF and just want to do the simplest thing of adding a tag with jQuery. As there’s no documentation for this I’m trying to use the original jQuery plugin documentation and the methods explained there in conjunction with the wordpress ACF acf.add_action(‘load’) hook.
I’m trying something like this in the wordpress theme’s functions.php ( where rhymes is the tagit field’s wrapper id ) :
function my_acf_input_admin_footer()
<script type="text/javascript">
acf.add_action( 'load', function( $el ){
$( '#rhymes ul.tagit' ).tagit( 'createTag', 'example tag' );
add_action( 'acf/input/admin_footer', 'my_acf_input_admin_footer' );
It’s just not doing anything, any ideas?