Hi! I am trying to fix the addon to work with acf v5. i think most of the problem is with the js files.
like the one in field group js
$(document).ajaxSuccess(function() {
$('#acf_location .location-groups td.value select:visible').each(onRuleChange);
// on load
$('#acf_location .location-groups td.value select:visible').each(onRuleChange);
// on field value change
$('#acf_location .location-groups').on('change', 'input[data-meta]', function() {
$(this).parents('tr[data-id]').find('td.param select').each(onValueChange);
the #acf_location is now using
$(document).ajaxSuccess(function() {
$('#acf-field-group-locations .location-groups td.value select:visible').each(onRuleChange);
// on load
$('#acf-field-group-locations .location-groups td.value select:visible').each(onRuleChange);
// on field value change
$('#acf-field-group-locations .location-groups').on('change', 'input[data-meta]', function() {
$(this).parents('tr[data-id]').find('td.param select').each(onValueChange);
There are also incompatibility issues with the input js
the selector being used
div[data-field_name="'+this+'"] select
is no longer available.
is there any updates with upgrading this to work with acf v5? i think this addon will be a very helpful feature for acf pro. i hope you can update it to the latest version.
]]>Thanks for building this nice plugin. Though I encountered the following issue:
WP: v4.1
ACF: v4.4.0
ACF:Meta Location Rule: v1.0.5
Expected result: Every time rule field is changed in a custom-post add/edit page, the field group with tabs appear.
Actual result: Every time rule field is changed in a custom-post add/edit page, the field group with tabs appears multiple times. Resulting set of tabs being displayed repeatedly.
Action taken: I revised action_acf_input_admin_head() in \wp-content\plugins\advanced-custom-fields-meta-location-rule\acf-meta-location-rules.php to make $this->location_rule_fields unique.
original code:
function action_acf_input_admin_head()
if (!$this->location_rule_fields) return;
?><script>var ACF_META_LOCATION_RULE_FIELDS = <?= json_encode($this->location_rule_fields); ?>;</script><?php
mod code:
function action_acf_input_admin_head()
if (!$this->location_rule_fields) return;
$location_rule_fields = array_unique($this->location_rule_fields);
?><script>var ACF_META_LOCATION_RULE_FIELDS = <?= json_encode($location_rule_fields); ?>;</script><?php
I temporarily have the above mod-code while waiting for the plugin update.
]]>thanks for the plugin. great job!
though i just encountered something that needs improvement or correction.
im using WP 4.0 and ACF 4.3.9. i wanted to add an OR rule for a field group.
Post Type | value equals | deal
Meta Field | value equals | acf_deal_type | Ocean Cruise
Post Type | value equals | deal
Meta Field | value equals | acf_deal_type | River Cruise
but the problem is. after adding the first two rules (which is AND) which has “Meta Field”.
when i clicked “Add rule group”, nothing happens. i cannot add another set of rules for OR condition.
i was only able to add the OR rules, after i deleted the “Meta Field” rule in the first AND rule.