I see the last post in this forum was asking about making the plugin compatible with ACF 6.x and that was 8 months ago and not answered. As that post said, the button is in the wrong place. Probably easily fixable with a z-index change: https://share.getcloudapp.com/4guXJBmj. Any chance of updating the plugin?
]]>Hi Mark and Aaron,
please make the plugin “Advanced Custom Fields Repeater & Flexible Content Fields Collapser” compatible with ACF 6.x.ACF 6.0 has new design and collapse button from your plugin has wrong place:
Looks like it need correct some CSS.
Martin Rajnoch
I use repeater field to create a price list that contains different elements. when I go to elementor I didn’t find the repeater field in the key. I try to do it with anywhere elementor to but it doesn’t work. I use Mamp, and the last version of acf, and wordpress, thanks à lot
Is there any way we could move and order between parent rows or between row and row..
ex: move repeaterA from row1 to row2.
]]>Hello any solutions for this? I made a front-end options page form with repeaters, but the problem is that the collapser won’t show up. Plugin won’t show up and the repeaters are all exposed and expanded. please help
<?php wp_head(); ?>
<?php acf_form_head(); ?>
<?php $args = array(
‘post_id’ => ‘options’,
‘field_groups’ => array(27),
‘updated_message’ => ‘Submitted successfully.’
acf_form($args); ?>
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
]]>Simply doesn’t work ?? No icons or something else to collapse is shown on existing repeater fields
]]>Following the release of ACF PRO 5.3.1, I’m planning on removing the flexible fields collapsing support in the next version now that the ACF core feature is easier to find and works better than the one in this plugin. Any objections?
]]>Any fixes? Thanks.
I’m pretty familiar with word press but still pretty new to .php. I’m using the twentyelven theme and I cannot figure out how to get the ACF repeater field working. In my child theme I copied the page-content.php file and have tried all the supporting documentation from ACF. I’m completely stuck. Please help!
Also, I’m using the have_rows() function and using an echo command to render the subfields:
[ Moderator note: code fixed. Please wrap code in the backtick character or use the code button. ]
<? php
if( have_rows('project') ):
while ( have_rows('project') ) : the_row();
// Your loop code
echo the_sub_field('project_title');
echo the_sub_field('project_details');
echo the_sub_field('image');
else :
// no rows found
Any help you can give would be awesome. Its kind of a time sensitive project.
Many thanks!
the plugin doesn’t work with ACF Pro 5.2.8, nothing DOM elements display (button for expand/collapse)
]]>i have a repeater field but i want that only show the first value until the user make click in a “see more” link and then toggle all the values in the front (user view).
thanks in advanced
PD: sorry for my bad english.
]]>Hello ACF Repeater Collapser users of the world!
Due to some terrible timing, the new ACF PRO 5.2.7 update breaks this plugin.
To temporarily fix the issue, please try the recommended fix from ACF:
add_filter('acf/compatibility/field_wrapper_class', '__return_true');
I’m sorry for the inconvenience and will hopefully get an update out in late July or early August at the latest. I was not given any heads up on this change, so did not have time to fix it, and now life is taking me away from the computer for a month beginning today.
]]>First off, great plugin! I really wish ACF had a feature like this baked in. Fortunately there’s no errors that I can see but the plugin appears to not work after recently updating ACF Pro to version 5.2.7. Perhaps some class names changed er somethin’? The symptom is simply that the expand/collapse buttons don’t show.
]]>I have a repeater set up with 2 custom fields. When you click “Collapse All Rows” it just lightens the opacity for them, it doesn’t collapse anything, so you still can’t reorganize them.
The plugin hasn’t been updated in 8 months, so I’m guessing it’s no longer supported?
]]>Hi there,
I think this plugin is fantastic, and it almost brings ACF to the point of perfection. While it works as advertised for me, I’m wondering — is there possibly a way to keep rows in their collapsed state once they’ve been collapsed? Hitting the “Collapse All” button every someone tries to find a specific repeater row is getting to be a bit of a nuisance… (obviously, not nearly as much of a nuisance as scrolling through the endless rows used to be, but it still seems like something that could be truly beneficial)
Any chance this is a possibility?
i want display repeater field in post as table
help me border and padding it
i have try with
$rows = get_field('repeater_field_name');
echo '<ul>';
foreach($rows as $row)
echo '<li>sub_field_1 = ' . $row['sub_field_1'] . ', sub_field_2 = ' . $row['sub_field_2'] .', etc</li>';
echo '</ul>';
.table {
border: 1px solid;
but not success
pls help me
]]>Can you give me an idea of why it only collapses row fields? Is it an issue with HTML structure? I have repeaters set up as blocks in a particular project and they just have to be that way as the row option pushes the sub field titles to the left which uses up valuable space. So works well when I convert to row layout but would love for it to work with blocks.
]]>I’ve noticed a conflict between ACFs native Flexible Content collapsing and the Repeater Collapser plugin.
If, before the plugin is enabled, I collapse some Flexible Content fields using ACF’s native functionality (i.e. by clicking .acf-fc-layout-handle), that field remains collapsed once the plugin is enabled, and cannot be expanded.
]]>Now when I click the Collapse All Rows button, everything grays out, but doesn’t collapse.
]]>I have nested repeaters in nested repeaters.
3 levels deep all set to rows. Level 1 and level 3 work fine but for some reason level 2 does not collapse.
When I click the button for level 2 I get this error in the Firefox “console: ReferenceError: event is not defined acf5_repeater_collapser_admin.js:157”
Thanks for an otherwise great plugin ~
]]>Hi, this plugin not working with ACF PRO 5.1.0
Please help me,
]]>For Flexible Content fields, it seems that if I’ve selected “table” rather than “block”, I’m unable to collapse each layout using the functionality built in to ACF (5.0.8).
Here’s a screenshot:
I’m in a situation where I need some layouts to be “tables” and others to be “blocks”… I’m not sure if the plugin was meant to only collapse block layouts or not.
]]>I have one site when the collapse all rows button is not working properly. On click of “collapse” button all the collapse icons change properly but the fields do not collapse. The fields just get the overlay shading but are not collapsed. There are no js errors in my console though.
Unfortunately I can’t seem to figure out why this is happening on one site but not on my test site that I just spent some time trying to get recreate it. I thought maybe it was the oEmbed fields or the Wysiwyg fields I had, but that doesn’t seem to be it.
Let me know if I can provide you details or maybe a quick screencast of my setup so you can see what’s happening.
]]>I’m using ACF5 Pro and have a Flexible Content field, but no collapsing is happening, there is no “Expand All Rows” button either.
The Flexible Content field is setup as a “Block Layout” (the new name for Row Layout in ACF5 I believe), not a Table Layout, so I think this should work. Any ideas, ACF5 Pro is supposed right?
I am using Advanced Custom fields and the repeater-plugin. Now I have installed your plugin and I cannot find any “collapse” button anywhere (yes, I looked at fields with many subfields).
]]>Hi, this is a fantastic plugin and I’m currently using this with the repeater field in WP 3.8 with no issues. Is there a way to only expand and edit one row while all the rows are collapsed? This would allow for the easy finding and editing a row while all rows are collapsed. In any event, thank you for this plugin! It adds a much needed functionality to repeaters with many fields.
]]>I activated the plugin under WP 3.7.1 and it doesn’t appear to do anything. I don’t see any “collapse” buttons on any of my repeater fields. I have the latest ACF and ACF Repeater plugins.
]]>It would be great to have the option of rows being collapsed by default. Thanks for the great plugin.
]]>There’s visualization bug with nested repeaters. See screenshot.
]]>Nice plugin.
I have set up two types of flexible content (and no repeater fields)
One is a simple wysiwyg field. Another is for a document library which has 4 fields including file selectors etc.
The button collapses the former content type but not the latter.
Any clues?
Thank you.