First of all, big praise for the plugin, it’s exactly what I was looking for for my little community project.
I would like to remove some fields from the ad creation form as they are not needed.
I would like to remove or hide address, video, price
Is there a way to remove these options from the form?
I looked at the plugin files but didn’t find anything.
I would be very grateful for a tip
]]>I’m trying to use the ACADP – Categories block to show specific categories but it only uses the default settings and ignores the ones I chose for it.
]]>Good morning, I have a problem with this plugin regarding geolocation in Spain. If I write a code from Spain in ZIPOSTAL, it automatically takes me to Italy or Greece. I have installed it on two websites to rule out that the error was not an incompatibility but on the second website it does not work correctly either.
Could someone who has it installed check if a card says the following zip code: 08025, where do you mark it? In Barcelona, ??Spain, or in Sardinia, Italy?
Thank you very much in advance!
]]>Using yoast for seo on with your plugin.
things were going ok until a few months ago.
thought things were going downhill because of google updates.
recently did a check and seems term_description now no longer works but it did before. Also appears the problem occured when your plugin was updated.
anyone else finding this too?
I figured it out and it was pilot error, not the plugin.
In case anyone else gets lost, it’s in Custom Fields settings. I’d had it set to text but then I see the option for Select in the list and that added the box to add all the subcategories, and then select the parent category in the sidebar.
(This is always what happens to me in stores. I will walk that store 2 hours looking for something and cannot find it for the life of me, but the second I find somebody who works there to ask where it is, they inevitably point to it and it’s like right beside me on the shelf and I feel like an idiot lol…..so same here. I asked, then I found it…so we’re good! Carry on!)
So I did this awhile back and then changed course to a different venture. I decided to add this plugin again for the new site.
It did what I needed it to do. But I have forgotten how to add the subcategories and add new directories.
Unless the download malfunctioned, the admin sidebar shows the dashboard, location, category, custom fields, settings. There is no option to add a new directory. I can add main categories but there is no option showing to add subcategories, for example Books and a subcategory list of genres.
I attempted to do that with custom fields but that only shows up in the form.
The first time around, I did use this with BulkPress, where the categories for the plugin showed up in the list and I added the subcategory lists to that and bulk uploaded them to the main category.
This time around, none of the categories are showing up in the bulkpress list so I can’t add bulk categories this way. There is no option anywhere in the admin sidebar for the plugin to add additional subcategories to the main categories.
Unless I remember incorrectly I believe I added an image to the category on the category page but there is no option to do that either.
Am I missing something? lol
The strings in the block edit.js files are without text domain:
and therefore the string translations are displayed only if the string is included among the ‘default’ ones of the WordPress Core.
]]>Hello, it is possible to override the single template with a link. What you want is to show some Google locations and when you click on the map it takes you to Google Maps directly, without having to use a single post. Thanks in advance
]]>Before I waste time downloading and getting into the weeds, I thought I’d just ask and see if we can find out the easy way lol.
I need 3 separate or primary categories: Auto, Real Estate, and General Merch.
Each category needs to have at least 4 subcategories, like Auto > Make, Model, Year, Location…and same for the others.
I don’t need it to register anyone, I will not be offering featured listings, paid listing. I need it as part of a community that has its own registration system and restricted access so the members can only see or access the listing pages when they’re logged in anyway. While the posts or listings can be public, there is no available link on the front end for people to click on and add a listing, I would leave it off.
I need it to have those primary top categories and then the separate subcategory lists for each one.
If individual authors, registered through my existing membership process access the listing page, I need the listing page to be accessible only to logged in members by role. I have 3 roles, only one of them will be permitted to use the classifieds.
If they can also include their individual, respective contact info in the listing so all email goes to the author of the post, even better, but it’s not required. They can put it in the post otherwise.
Also, if I wanted to include a marketplace type deal with additional categories for merchandise, and locations, etc is that doable?
Will this plugin accommodate this?
I checked Directorist but they have 1 category and zero way to add multiple subcategories to filter the options…and no bulk option either. If we’re talking auto dealership with the long list of makes and models, having to add them one at a time is not happening. I don’t want to run into this problem either.
I’ve been trying to implement custom templating as per this documentation link that’s been provided in other support posts. I have had no success making the overrides work at all. I get the plugin code in the right file, I can activate the plugin, I try the layout grid override example and it simply does nothing.
Could use some help and advice.
What I need to do is to change the template for the archive listings so that I can have a full image gallery displayed there in place of the featured image (such as is on the singular listing page) and some other minor modifications.
I have two questions about the backend:
Finally: I import my addresses from a main database in our club administration. Is it being considered that there could be an update function to update the addresses. Now I always have to do all updates for both, an update function could save a lot of work.
Versions: WP: 6.5 / Directories Pro: 1.14.2
Thank you very much for your work, I think the software is very good and will continue to use it.
Best regards
I tried to present our association’s business with Directories Pro. It basically looks good – I’m not a professional – but I still have the following problems/questions:
Specific link: https://n.gewerbe-oberamt.ch/index.php/directory-gewerbeverei/listing/drogerie-ruetimann-ag/
Is there a current manual? Everything I’ve downloaded doesn’t always match the current software.
Versions: WP: 6.5 / Directories Pro: 1.14.2
Thank you very much for your work, I think the software is perfect and I will continue to use it.
Best regards
Hi. It’s great that the listings categories provide the option to add an image to display the category, however, disappointingly, the locations tab doesn’t provide such an option. If it did, this would be the ultimate, if not the best listing plugin available. I have experience with international, multilingual directories since 2013. Happy to get involved as a developer to troubleshoot and improve the plugin. Cheers
]]>Hi there –
We have the shortcode to show the “retail” category (a child of the Real Estate Parent category) on this page https://buyoregoncannabis.com/retail-listings/ There are 4 listings in the system under the retail category, yet nothing is showing on the page.
On another page (https://buyoregoncannabis.com/listing-category/realestate/), we have the shortcode [acadp_listings category=”3″] to show Real Estate. There are 6 listings for this category and only 1 is showing up.
Would appreciate some help in getting to the bottom of this.
I have around 200 listings… to manage these listings, How do we export listings form backend?
Can you advise some updated guidance on how to customise/override the templates please? The details at https://pluginsware.com/documentation/customizing-acadp-templates/ don’t seem to be correct. For instance you no longer have a /public/partials/
?folder and instead have a /public/templates/
however even if I modify and copy files in the subfolders from this to a /acadp/
folder (with same sub-structure) in my child theme the changes are not applied.
Thanks for any advice.
I’m encountering two issues with the Advanced Classifieds & Directory plugin. First, users can’t upload photos to their listings; selecting and confirming files does nothing. Second, selecting a parent category or location doesn’t update the subcategories, making accurate listing categorization impossible.
I’ve tried clearing cache and ensuring no plugin conflicts without success. Could you please provide assistance or guidance on resolving these issues?
Thanks for your help
]]>Is it possible for the text extract and metadata to appear in Listings Slider?
I have customised the permalink for my listings to use “professional-listing”. And my directory page link ends with “/professional-listings”. But when you visit a single listing, the link at the bottom that says “Back to Directory” still tries to go to “/directory” instead of “/professional-listings”. How do I change this please?
Thank you
]]>Hi, two problems have appeared in my installation:
I don’t know wether i have changed relevant settings or a update has lead to that. Any idea?
Thank you.
Regards, Harry
]]>Hello, i’m building a website that offers 3 different forms of listings. On my website the listings are actually certain profiles: Nursing staff, care households and recruiters. The recruiters manage not only the profiles (listings) of the personell, but also their own company profile. In the My-Account-area i would like to differentiate between managing staff profiles and company profile. Therfore i created a page “Manage my Company Profile”. I would like to use the accoording shortcode in the following forms:
[acadp_manage_listings category id=”1″] => category 1 refers to company profile => should list only the company profile with edit link.
[ acadp_manage_listings category id=”2″] => category 2 refers to personell profiles => should list only the personell profiles with edit link.
Unfortunately i get on both pages all listings (profiles).
I suppose that this shortcode with category differentiation is not possible, right? Or is there any other mistake in?
Thanks for a hint!
Regards, Harry
I searched but I can’t find it. How do I change the size and color of texts and titles, including on the listing page ?
The location menu is missing a lot of entries. It stops at listing first 50 odd city names in a state. Kindly guide me whats wrong I have turned of cache plugin and cloudflare and every other plugin and checked. the propblem is still there.
Some of our listings are not displaying the images. It’s sporadic, and not all listings are affected.
When looking in Dev Tools Console, this error is generated:
VM1618:112 [Report Only] This document requires ‘TrustedScript’ assignment.
Googling does not give much, by way of solutions.
I’m using Chrome. I’ve tried other browsers. Disabled extenstions. etc.
Any ideas?
]]>Is there a way that users can delete their own user account?
To give some context why such a feature could be useful: Under the European data privacy laws, you have to delete any personal data if somebody requests it. The most elegant way to solve this would be a ?Delete my account? function in the user account.
]]>How to translate the phrase “Featured” in the listing? The “Loco translate” plugin does not support this expression.
]]>In the Admin Listing Details screen (as well as in the User Edit Listing area) you are asked for the Price of the item. The issue I’m having is that I cannot make an item FREE.
<label for="acadp_general_settings[has_price]"><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="acadp_general_settings[has_price]" name="acadp_general_settings[has_price]" value="1" checked="checked">Allow users to enter price amount for their listings</label>
I have a user who’s dog just had puppies and they want the display on the all listings page to show the word ‘FREE’ where you would normally see price (see image). However, if you enter the word FREE in the price area of the form, once published it turns to 0.00 and is NOT displayed to the public.
I’ve tried many variations to this code and added a JS script to try and get it to display the word FREE if input but to no avail. Any help would be magical.
Not sure why but when trying to view an individual listing (any/all) they dont work because the shortcode is in the URL??
I’m sure it’s an easy fix but I cannot figure out why it started or how.
]]>I would like to change this wording in both the Admin and the frontend form. Can this be done with additional JS or HTML or do I need to modify a file?
Good day. I purchased a pro version and am bust with implementation. The custom fields are not coming up up the search widget. Using divi theme (latest version) on WP 6.3.1
]]>I think there is a problem with the {renewal_link}: If a user clicks this link multiple times, every time the publication period is extended for another XX days (depending on the settings by the site administrator).
This allows a user to have his entry published for a very long period without having to confirm periodically that this offer is still valid.
I don’t think that site administrators want this, and I don’t think that users are expecting this behaviour either.