The plugin has not been updated for a verry long time but was still working. Now with WordPress 5.5 the plugin causes jquery errors because jquery migrate has been removed but the plugin still uses the live() function which does not exist anymore since jquery 1.9.
Those errors stop wordpress from executing any supsequent jquery call. This leads to various side effects, e.g. an accordeon not opening anymore because the jquery script gets not executed anymore. So if you use Advanced Categorie Widget version 1.2 in conjunction with WordPress 5.5 and you experience strange effects that can be tracked down to jquery you have to disable this plugin.
I have a lot of category on my website. But in Filters only show up to 100 categories.
Please help me with this problem. If any paid version available please tell me or give me any CSS.
I have a page with the top 20 most visited categories on my web, that I update manuallt based on G Analytics data.
Is it possible to use this widget to do that automatically without having to update it manually?
]]>Dear Darrin,
Could you have a look at In the right sidebar (for comparison reasons) you will first find the original category widget and below your beautiful category widget. By the way: Your widget runs perfectly! It always me to just select the categories I want to have displayed and leave out the other ones.
I only would like to change the display of the various items a little bit.
Blogs Marianne
4 Posts
should become:
Blogs Marianne (4)
I have been looking at the “class-advanced-categories-widget-views” file how to make the changes for that.
Could you help me out a bit?
Hope to hear from you soon.
Kind regards, Piotr Linski
]]>It would be very important for this complement that contains the hierarchy of the categories, to show the category and subcategory.
Thank you
can you add a feature to use any type of taxonomy and custom taxonomy?
We currently are limited to “categories”. for example “product_cat” would be awesome!
Just like being able to click the title (which navigates to the category), is it possible to link the description of the category?
I see that this plugin has not been updated for many months now, and I was wondering if it will get any future updates and be maintained with new features, and most importantly new security updates.
Since many hack attacks rely on holes and vulnerabilities of plugins, using outdated plugins could be a a big risk for getting your site hacked.
Please let me know.
I see that the sub-categories are showing separately as parent categories. Is it possible to show them under parent categories?
]]>This is a really nice plugin with lots of options and I have looked at ALOT of category plugins! My very particular client wants a certain look and I think this will do it for me… In the Styles & Layout area you mention a way to further customize the style. I would like the Title to remain the default color but the categories to display in blue (#2f67b1). I am not much of a coder but can get help. How can I accomplish this?
Here is the site:
Keep up the good work and keep it updated. High ratings from me.
]]>as i am getting nothing in my sidebar
I get all categories listed in UPPER case letters.
Is it possible to change this and have them displaying the way the are in original?
]]>This widget does not show any categories for me as all my categories are custom. I have another plugin installed to search the category which works fine so I know they exist but the plugin requires a click on a button to display the category in archive. Was hoping your widget would list the categories and allow a click through but it is not picking up the categories at all.
Am I missing something?
Can I use this plugin to show my PROJECT categories instead of the standard categories? That would be great, love to hear from you!
]]>I just installed the plugin and it was working well until I enabled thumbnails. I then got an error message on both the widgets admin page and front end of my site.
This is the error message:
Warning: asort() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /home4/hgacc/public_html/ on line 275
]]>Hey, I’m trying to get this to work but I’m having some issues. I have set up a custom category sidebar for a post and page, but then when I click the link from the category sidebar on either I am taken to a category page which is using the default sidebar widget, even though I’ve set the custom category widget to display for certain categories. What I want is to also use the custom sidebar on this page as well. Is this possible?