So it seems Advanced Booking Calendar is not available any more. The owner doesn’t answer no telephone call or emails. And the function of the plugin is corrupted due to the fact that there is no smpt server connected any more. And unfortunately you get no support how to implement an own mail server.
Very bad behaviour of the developper!!!
But if anyone has an idea how to make it possible to send confirmation and any other mails in abc I would highly appreciate any help!
Thanks in advance!
]]>Im checking the premium version but its not available. I checked it a few weeks ago and it wasnt available as well.
Does anybody know if its or will be available?
danke, dass ihr noch eine neue Version des abc erstellt habt. Leider werden nun die Zusatzleistungen (Pflicht) nicht mehr in die Berechnung einbezogen. K?nnt ihr da noch ein letztes Mal was machen?
]]>Hallo, why the plugin is removed from Is the plugin abanded?
]]>Die Buchungsbest?tigungs Email wird mit einem Template des PlugIns WP HTML Mail – Email Template Designer generiert. Bei einigen Emails sind Cope Snippets vor dem Content. Allerdings nur bei der Anfrage und der Ablehnung der Buchung: { “name”:”Default”, “bgBody”:”ffffff”, “link”:”fff”, “color”:”555555″, “bgItem”:”ffffff”, “title”:”181818″ }
Individuelle Nachrichten sind einwandfrei.
ein Frage zu Euerem Plugin in der kostenlosen Variante. Wird das weiter gepflegt, letzte Aktualisierung vor 7 Monaten. Meine Frage ist auch ob es mit WP 6.03 und h?her kompatibel ist mit der Version 1.7.1, weil es nur getestet ist bis WP 5.9.5
Für eine schnelle Antwort w?re ich dankbar.
alias alhai
Hi There,
Bookings are showing as partly booked and guests can still make a booking on them, how do I make them full booked?
Im testing the free version.
The text of the booking formular is always in German. Where is it possible to change that text of
First name
Also for the additional services all information are displayed in German and are not changed or available in English!
Some translation options are available in the settings page but they dont apply always.
We have wpml installed, and can find the email texts in string translation, but when we book a room, the sent email does not seem to use the trasnlated strings.
I have checked the code and it just looks for the option from the admin panel.
The problem is, that this way the text is always the same no matter what language we book from.
Hey just to let you know a typo in the frontend
]]>Hallo zusammen.
Ich verwende WP. 6.0. folgendes Problem. Ich habe das Plugin Advanced booking calendar unter obiger Adresse eingerichtet. W?hrend der Vorschau hatte alles wunderbar funktioniert. Nach Ver?ffentlichung nicht mehr. Die Widgets sind offenbar richtig, weil alles richtig angezeigt wird. aber die Buttons zu Kalender und Verfügbarkeit sind ohne Funktion. Alles andere auf der Seite funktioniert. Das Plugin funktioniert auch einwandfrei im Backend. Ich kann mich auch nicht entsinnen irgend etwas umgestellt zu haben was die St?rung erkl?rt. Bin aufgeschmissen und dankbar für ein paar Tipps.
When I have multiple calendars on one page integrated:
[abc-bookingform calendars=”1″]
[abc-bookingform calendars=”2″]
[abc-bookingform calendars=”3″]
The date selection works only for the first one.
]]>When you choose a date format other than Y-m-d (e.g. d/m/Y) at the settings screen, the first day of the month is always shown as partially occupied (abc-avail-booked) in the calendar (abc-singlecalendar ). Does anyone have an idea how this can be resolved?
]]>Hi Support,
plugin works great. But when a request comes, that does not satisfy the minimum criteria for a stay, no message is shown, why the search for an empty room failed.
]]>Hello Mate,
How to changes booking request email ?
]]>I tried to use the Advanced Booking Calendar plugin on a pure FSE Theme, like the “Twenty Twenty-Two” and there the plugin does not work. Especially the “Verfügbarkeit Prüfen”( check available rooms) Butten does not work at all. I found that other functionalities also have issues.
So it looks like that this plugin has some problems when used on FSE (Full Site Editing) themes.
I added 2 extras to the booking system
The added price of a second person should be 10 euro for a night.
The added price for a third to sixth person should be 20 euro’s a night.
Because this is not possible in your system, i added 10 euro as a price for the second till the sixth and 10 euros from the third to the sixth.
This has the same effect for calculating the price.
So i have 2 extras added to the price of a room.
Screenshot for one of the settings:
Then, the system goes crazy and does not give the right calculation.
The room (Raspberry Room – Family Room) that is 90 euros should be 180 euros for 6 people and 160 euros for 5 people. But both extras calculate 60 + 60 = 120 + 90 for the room = 210!!!
Extra 1 should be person 2,3,4,5,6 x 10 = 50 euros
Extra 2 should be person 3,4,5,6 x 10 = 40 euros
This is the result i get:
Hope you can help us!
Thank you.
I would like to change the order of the Calendars on the Calendar Overview. The default ordering is alphabetical. I would like to change it and display in order of calendar id. Is that possible?
Thanks in advance,
]]>Hello, I would like to customize the appearance of the booking calendar. For example, I have customized the buttons globally on my website. However, they are still unformatted on the booking form. The first button after the period is selected is formatted. After that, the selection for the apartments opens, but unfortunately the formatting does not apply to it. Is there a way to include a CSS code within the booking form so that the buttons are identical everywhere?
Thanks in advance for your help.
]]>Hi, I would like to ask how can I translate with wpml the extras (name and explanation) and also the calendar names. I have translated everything else but I can’t find these.
Thanks in advance,
ps congrats for this plugin!
I sometimes have the problem, that the calender is not working, when I change to the next month. It then says “Permissions check failed!”. I am using caching plugins. In the Autooptimize settings I excluded “wp-content/plugins/advanced-booking-calendar” for javascript and css optimisations. As for W3 Total Cache I added all links under minify >> “Never minify the following JS files” and “Never minify the following css files”. Any other idea?
Best regards
The free plugin is set up on the site and I have now paid for the pro version but I am unable to access any screen that allows me to activate/install the features; I just get ‘403 Forbidden’ from any page that I try to access it from.
]]>I would like to add the Client′s name and lastname to the subject of the email I receive when they request a booking.
If you can point me to witch file I need to edit, I don’t need the “blog name” on the subject I receive, I prefer the name and lastname of the client so I can find them faster when I looking for info on my email account.
Der Button oben rechts im Einzelkalender um zum n?chsten Monat zu wechseln ist verschoben dargestellt. Wie kann dieses Problem behoben werden?
]]>Hi, How can I hide the search form on the page where [abc-bookingform] is , if I click on the book now button on a room calendar?
There’s no reason to show the search form again If I’ve already did select the room….
Gents, I’d like to set the availability form horizontal, instead of vertical. Is that possible with the shortcode? Or do I have to do it manually in CSS?
I followed the video and try to setup ..but look like i did everything what in the video but somehow something wrong .. its not letting me to select dates from the calendar or search available dates
Hallo liebes Team,
ein hervorragendes Plugin. Habe etliche geprüft und dieses ist mit Abstand das beste! Bevor wir die bezahlt Pro Version nutzen, m?chten wir sicherstellen, dass es auch in der kostenlosen Version richtig funktioniert. In der kostenlosen Version erhalte ich die Best?tigungen per Email in Deutsch (als Vermieter) der Kunde erh?lt sie jedoch in Englisch. K?nnen Sie mir da bitte weiterhelfen? Ich habe die Sprachdateien etwas angepasst und in meinem Child Theme Ordner unter /languages/plugins/ abgelegt. Was ich auch nicht ganz verstehe ist, dass ich als Vermieter ein sch?n gestaltete E-Mail erhalte und der Kunde ohne Design.
Bezüglich der Pro Version: Bei uns wird die Bezahlung erst nach Buchungsbest?tigung statt finden. Ist das auch so m?glich? Kommen für die Zahlungsabwicklung noch weitere Kosten auf uns zu, ggf durch zus?tzlich ben?tigte Plugins?
Herzlichen Dank vorab und gro?es Lob!
Is it possible to adjust text that follows ‘Thank you for your booking request’ (or similar)?
Currently it’s set to: ‘We have sent you an email including a summary of your booking!’
Personally I may want to delete it altogether, but I can’t see how to go about it, not even with CSS as it has no class selector.
]]>Hello there. There is no confirmation or rejection message when the reservation is made. And at the same time, reservation information is not coming to the e-mail address I specified. How can I solve this?