I installed this plugin and the settings – Now! adsense Lite text covers up other text that is being placed on the screen by W3 cache at the top. When I click setup plugin all I get is a blank screen.
]]>Hello, I accidentally refreshed the page while updating the Adsense now plugin. I had to delete and reinstall it but now every time I try to activate it I’m still getting the following error:
Warning: chdir() [function.chdir]: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/content/i/t/a/italianpride/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/adsense-now-lite/EZWP.php on line 35
Required file ../adsense-now-frontend.php not found in __DIR__/admin.
Please reinstall the plugin.
I have a problem using this plugin in one of my websites. I use it on several other places but cant use it on one website which is hosted on digital ocean.
No styles,images or js being loaded, so I cant do anything, see the screenshot here:
Any suggestions how to fix this?
(probably something something in .htaccess file but I would like to know what exactly what)
]]>Hey I want to use the plugin here:
This is a Masonry style blog. I would like to actually add the adds in the same style. Is it possible?
Also the blog is using two languages. How would the plugin deal with the different languages?
Thank you very much!
]]>Barn version 5.35 works perfectly. In version 5.64 all broken. Instead of site pages white sheet and a pair of black letters.
]]>On plugin activation, WordPress displays the “The plugin generated x characters of unexpected output”.
When dumping it to a file, this produced output is:
“Warning: Missing argument 2 for GoogleAdSense::install() in […]/public_html/wp-content/plugins/adsense-now-lite/wp-google-adsense.php on line 46”.
The install() function takes a second argument, $mOptions, which is not even used.
Defaulting it to null solves the problem.
I receive the following message:
AdBlock: This plugin loads its admin pages in an iFrame, which may look like an ad to some browser-side ad blockers. If you are running AdBlock or similar extensions on your browser, please disable it for your blog domain so that the admin page is not blocked. Looks like your browser is preventing the admin pages from being displayed.
I have not Adblock enabled on my website; I tried with Chrome, Firefox and Vivaldi.
]]>i become this fail if i change any options (Database Replace/Insert Error)
how can i fix it ?
]]>Great plugin but it’s displaying too many ads and I don’t want to get banned. I have one ad in a widget separate from your plugin. In your plugin, I have the Top and Bottom enabled and Middle suppressed. When my posts page is displayed, there are 10 posts appearing and the Ads appear in the top and bottom of the first post and in the top of the second post which makes that 3 ads appearing plus one in the widget. If I suppress the Bottom Ad, 3 ads still appear, one in the first three posts. Is there a way that I can change the default number of ads being displayed from 3 to 2? Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
]]>Some plugin code is displayed in post previews layout (see this page https://www.oppofans.it/news/) before body text. No problem when post is opened in regular view, I do have this problem only with this layout, wich is News page, pretty important.
I upgraded to the v5.15 the other day when that fix came out and all was fine. Saw that the NEW v5.16 update was available and went to check it out. However, all of a sudden the SETTINGS page is displaying the below message:
Go Back to Non-AJAX Version
Problems with the fancy AJAX interface?You can always go back to the non-AJAX version if you are not happy with this slick new admin page, or if the plugin doesn’t work as expected (ads not appearing on home/front page/posts, or any other kind of strange behavior). The AJAX version stores its options completely independent of the non-AJAX version. Your non-AJAX options are intact and untouched. Here are the steps to revert to the non-AJAX version:
– Deactivate and delete this plugin.
– Download the non-AJAX version of the plugin.
– Upload and activate the downloaded non-AJAX version.
– Find and click on the the AdSense Now! Lite menu item under your Settings menu, and you should see the non-AJAX version.Please remember never to update the plugin if you are using the non-AJAX version, or it will get overwritten by the AJAX version. It’s easy to recover though – just follow the above instructions again.
This plugin needs direct access to its files so that they can be loaded in an iFrame. Looks like you have some security setting denying the required access. If you have an .htaccess file in your wp-content folder, please remove it or modify it to allow access to the php files in /home3/xxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/adsense-now-lite/.
Or Go back to the Non-AJAX Version by following the directions above.
There is NO .htaccess file in the wp-content folder. The site is using the standard WordPress .htaccess file at the root folder level and even when that was removed (which by the way has never changed since the site install) the error was still displayed.
Any other suggestion as to what might be causing this? I’d like to stay with the updated version, but if we have to go back… we well.
NOTE: all other security plugins were deactivated and that didn’t seem to help either.
Also… did revert back to v4.61 on one site and that did seem to fix the interface, so we at least know that solution will work.
PS – tried updated to v5.16 on one site, but that didn’t seem to do fix it.
]]>Previous post that were using Custom Fields to control adsense blocks in individual post (adsense-middle set to no) appear to no longer be working… these post now SHOW ads where they weren’t previous to the update. Updating to release 5.14 does not seem to correct the issue either.
NOTE: using custom field — adsense set to no — does seem to suppress all ads, but that’s not exactly the result that’s needed in this case. Only the middle ad needs to be removed and it’s not working.
PS – have tried clearing cache, but that didn’t help either.
]]>Hello there,
I’ve been using this plugin with for over a year now and I like it very much. With the latest update, the ads are not showing up as they used to. I can see where the ad should display on my posts. Text wraps around the ad block but no ad is visible. I went back to the previous version (4.61) because I didn’t have the chance to stop by and request some help.
Thanks in advance for your time and for this great plugin.
]]>I’m about to release V5.05 of this plugin, which sports a new slick admin interface based on the twitter bootstrap framework, AJAX savings of options, a few new features, generous help and all sorts of goodness. I’m sure you will like it.
Since it is a complete rewrite of the plugin, there may be a few teething issues. If you find anything amiss, please post to this thread. Thanks!
]]>Version 4.20 was the last one that took care of the max of 3 ads per site, all never versions got that code (everything around the variable $nwCount) deleted and therefore does not limit the number of ads (which is against Googles policy).
Until this is fixed, this addon should not be used.
Hi :
great job with his plugin. Easy and straight to the point.
My question is if has this been checked with Super cache plugin?
The adds show up but i’m not sure if they are counting as new visualization.
]]>The latest release (V4.20) of this plugin includes major refactoring changes in options handling, translation interface etc. Although extensively tested, the release may still contain some bugs. If you find anything not working as expected, please reply to this thread.
]]>Do you plan to provide responsive functionality for your adsense plugin?
]]>I know that this is not the case plugin if made for, but I like the functionallity it provides for inserting code in multiple post positions.
So is it possible to insert wordpress shortcode though the adsense now plugin and how?
]]>When I have this installed, my posts do not appear at all. Instead, I just get the ads.
There may be an incompatibility with one or more plugins,
hi there,
thanks for this awesome plugin! I’ve been using it for quite some time — it’s very useful.
Just a quick question — I recently turned on the mobile theme included with the Jetpack plugin. Unfortunately Adsense Now! displays ad placeholders on that mobile theme — at the top, middle and bottom of the page, despite the fact that I normally have the top and bottom ads suppressed on normal pages. Can you tell me, is there a way to turn off ads on mobile themes entirely?
Kind regards,
I inserted the adsense code, selected where to put it, and the code was not present in the source code of the post. Neither did the default box that the plugin shows (that says something like ‘Your adsense will appear here’) disappear.
Hi! I buy AdSense Now Pro.
Recently I have trouble.
1. Top page works fine.
2. An advertisement is not displayed on an individual post.
Would you please advise me?
]]>How can I add multiple add blocks using this plugin?
I mean… using this plugin I can add code of on ad block that I have generated from my google adsense account. What if I want to display a different ad unit in other parts?
I have added one unit to top of the posts, I want to add another unit of other type and size to bottom of each post. Can I do that using this plugin?
]]>Hi, I buy the ad-sense now pro version.
But it doesn’t work, i don’t see the ads on my page.
Can you help me?
Yours sincerely,
Christine Rose
]]>Hi manojtd,
I have problem. Adds are not showing on my website from 2 weeks ago. I don’t remember I made something special on the website so can get this problem. If I put add code in post manually everything is ok. Please, help me ASAP. My web site is valueslots.com
I am in the process of deleting your plug in from all my blogs.
I feel you are being quite underhanded and now you make it difficult to not give a share of adsense earnings to you unless you buy the pro version.
Look, I understand you want to make money but I believe your actions are quite underhanded
Shame on you!!
]]>Does this version substitute a percentage of my ad’s for yours like your earlier versions at all?
]]>hi just updated to most recent version as informed by plug-in manager – went to check settings and got an error message “you do not have sufficient privileges…”. Went to plug-ins admin and AdSense Now had been disabled. Re-enabled it and it seems OK but disconcerted.
]]>I’ve activated “bottom” and “center” in the position.
It does work on single posts, but on the post main page, the adsense banner shows on top of the page. How can I solve this?