Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/86/5190886/html/wp-content/plugins/ctl/ctl.php:1) in /home/content/86/5190886/html/wp-content/plugins/adsense-extreme/adsensextremeopt.php on line 349 – See more at: https://caribbeantl.com/5-adults-only-caribbean-resorts-to-dream-about/#sthash.MRRxFcal.dpuf
^^Error message being shown when site loads today.
]]>Every time a page loads, the ad unit load as they should and then they refresh/load again.
What could be causing this?
]]>Nice plugin – love how you can control background color.
Is it possible to move the middle ad up?
It appears too far down in the post.
I want to move the insertion point after first paragraph – how can this be done?
]]>looks like a carbon copy of adsense insert by naeem…
and that plugin is not listed on here anymore,,probably because it started injecting code into websites—is this or are you the same person??
the plug in works great but for some reason it does not show google ad unit reports
The ads are making money but it does not show any clicks and some ads do not even appear on the report even tho they are making money
i tested the google code by itself and it instantly shows the reports
Can you let me know if there is a possible fix
]]>My ads are showing on single blog posts and pages, but not on the home page. There is no static home page set, its just a blog.
I have turned on the expert settings, and the homepage one is not checked for excluding.
Also they are showing up for me if I am logged in, but they are not showing for people who are not logged in.
Sure this is a great plugin for beginners, working so fine in Google chrome, but in Internet Explorer 9 shows 3 ads in the top of homepage even they are configured not to be displayed.
how to fix this.
]]>This plugin discreetly adds Google Ads from a different account in some places randomly. I found a different account at a couple of occasions. When I find the account number, I will report it here.
The plugin author has not disclosed that the plugin will occasionally show ads from another account. If this is being done by the plugin (and is not some hacking of my website, which is unlikely), the plugin should be immediately removed from the repository.
]]>On some of the ad boxes there is just a blank white box, and I’ve even seen the ads double up (duplicate ads). Also on the footer ad which is 468×60 I’m getting TONS of padding below the footer now, it just stretches the page and it’s ongoing, way too much scrolling with nothing there. There’s nothing in the code that I can see that would be causing this, and if I take out the footer ad, the scrolling is gone, there’s no extra padding added to the page.
I’m not really sure the plugin works, because there are white boxes half the time. What would cause these issues, and can they be fixed somehow?