I’m using version 2.2 of the plugin. In some cases, the total shown on the dashboard is not counting the words after the <!–more–> tag.
I’m seeing this on one blog running WP 3.6, and another blog running 3.3.2.
In other cases, the count is way off (by over 100 or more). Does the plugin count alt text, image title text, h2 tags? Even with these, it doesn’t account for the count discrepancy I’m seeing, but I was just wondering. I thought that maybe the plugin was cutting out the words BEFORE the <!–more–> tag on these, but that wasn’t it.
I’m used the text from the visual editor and did a copy/paste into Word to check the count against the plugin.
]]>when <!--more-->
is used in a post the word count isn’t counting the subsequent words in the story…
On the spreadsheet link, I get these errors:
Warning: fopen(/wp-content/plugins/admin-word-count-column/cpwc.csv) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/popdirt/public_html/wp-content/plugins/admin-word-count-column/wc-column.php on line 121
Warning: fputcsv() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /wp-content/plugins/admin-word-count-column/wc-column.php on line 124
]]>I tried upgrading but got the following error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in /wp-content/plugins/admin-word-count-column/wc-column.php on line 81
]]>ISSUE : The admin options is NOT displayed on settings menu.
Around line 12 wp-content/plugins/admin-word-count-column/wc-column.php
include ‘wc-column-options.php’;
include ‘wc-column-database.php’;
include plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ).’wc-column-options.php’;
include plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ).’wc-column-database.php’;
That’s about all !
It will works. – the admin menu is displayed called “WC Count”
But, I don’t know where is used it. ??
]]>The error was something about expected T_OBJECT_ uh, something or other on line 92. It installed successfully, but failed to activate due to the Fatal Error. Seems to have uninstalled cleanly.
]]>Simple and elegant – exactly what I needed. Perfect. Thanks!
Okay… it is perfect in the Michelangelo sense of nothing to remove, but sorting by word count would truly rock… but just ignore that. It’s perfect and I thank you!