Hi, Does anyone know of a plugin that allows admin user to create a popup message to a specific logged in user (not group of users) ? I dont need a two way conversation like Chat or PM plugin. There is the possibility that every user may have an individual message at times. When the user clicks to ackowledges the message a reply is sent back to admin and the pop up deactivated/deleted for that user.
Thanks. Regards, Michael.
There is an error in the red message
]]>I just installed on a multisite and network activated, but it appears that messages are restricted to sites, not broadcast across all sites, correct? I’m looking for a replacement for the WPMU Admin Message plugin, which apparently is no longer supported (it’s been integrated into their branding plugin, which we don’t want).
Btw, your plugin works great and is just what we need!…if we can simply get it to work across a multisite so we can be in touch with all admins.
Jim P.