Rating: 5 stars
I was using similar plugin for years but was unmaintained from last 2 years, so is time to change to avoid possible compatibilities or security issues.
This plugin don’t appear as incompatible in the woocommerce, but after enable HPOS, the previous-next buttons dissapeared.
And now it is HPOS compatible.
Thank you!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Manual order processing functionality in WooCommerce is sloppy when compared to other shopping cart software. Having previous and next navigation buttons should be standard, but it is not. This simple plugin should solve this problem and speed up manual order processing.
Updated Review: The developer has fixed the plugin and it now seems to be working properly.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
But, consider a change that Next would mean to the Last received order, and Previous to previously received, meaning Next is Newer, Previous is Older.
Thank you very much!