Hi ! Great plugin .Just wanted to let you know that I am getting this warning on the latest version of wordpress.
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in H:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\projects\marry\wp-content\plugins\admin-customization\admin\admin.php on line 192
Something has gone wrong where the plugin is adding the website’s URL and Title into the page at the start. Hopefully someone can figure out what code needs quick-fixing to get this solved.
]]>The logo w does not disappear from site after selecting hide admin logo in wordpress 3.5 version
]]>I’ve installed Admin Customization for WordPress. I installed and added a custom login graphic but I’m getting the following error:
Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /homepages/40/d130529568/htdocs/ccsdance/wp-content/plugins/admin-customization/core.php on line 150
Warning: getimagesize(https://ccsdance.beckerstudio.com/wp-content/themes/login_logo.png) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /homepages/40/d130529568/htdocs/ccsdance/wp-content/plugins/admin-customization/core.php on line 150
I made sure that my image wasn’t too large.
Is there a way to resolve this?
THanks! Chris
]]>Hi ciobi,
Your plugin is intriguing. I would like to know if you plan to add an option to customize the login page and form background colors/images, in addition to that already offered option to customize the logo.
Thanks in advance for your response.
]]>hi & thanks
admin customization v2 work for me
but when i active it dont work drop down wordpress menu(for Ex. dashboard ; write& …)
]]>I just upgraded to 3.2 the other day, and I was writing my first post with the new update. When I highlighted text, click the URL button, paste in the URL, there was an “Update” option (instead of “Add Link”), and when I clicked it it took me back to the All Posts screen, and I lost all changes to my post.
]]>Everything appears fine until I try and go to the Dashboard in the Admin panel then I get about 16 copies of the same error code in the header area of the admin panel. This is the error:
Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/wendymer/public_html/erskinanavitarte.com/wp-content/plugins/admin-customization/core.php on line 160
Your help would be much appreciated.
]]>If your ‘WordPress address’ and ‘Site address’ are different from each other this plugin will not work, as it asks for logo image paths relative to wp-content, but does not consider the fact many people have their wordpress files installed in a subdirectory of their main site.
This can easily be fixed simply by opening up the plugin’s core.php file and replacing all of the incorrect references to bloginfo(‘home’) with site_url() instead.
I’ve tried your plugin (admin customization v1.2) on a test multisite with subfolders (wordpress 3.1) of mine.
As advised immediately after activation I visited the dashboard.
on the top of the screen I got multiple warnings with the message:
Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in …/wp-content/plugins/admin-customization/core.php on line 159
7 times to be exact. I got the same message even after deactivating a couple plugins I had active.
The message did not show up again once I saved the settings.
Thank you in advance