Can you add an option to search also in drafts?
thank you!
I’ve got this problem on my PC and is really annoying.
When I’m typing some text and I hold the SHIFT key to enter capital letters the popup screen is coming up…
]]>I’ve just discovered that this plugin caused both the list display and the ‘add new’/’edit’ displays (in the dashboard) of a custom post type on my site to not show up on screen (the list appeared blank and the edit page defaulted to a standard post page).
Both issues resolved when the plugin was deactivated.
I don’t know if this is a 4.7.1 compatibility issue, or something else.
Any assistance?
PS. Admin Menu Editor Plugin did the same thing if that helps at all.
I was noticing that if a user holds shift, it causes the search window to rapidly toggle in an out of existence. I did some research and experimentation and found that the solution is to change your Mousetrap.bind call in acp-modal.js to include a ‘keyup’ argument:
Mousetrap.bindGlobal('shift shift', function() {
}, 'keyup');
I then updated this in admin.js and admin.min.js and it works perfectly. Holding shift does nothing, while pressing it twice brings up the search bar.
I hope this is helpful!
(This is also a great way for developers to change their keyboard shortcut if they hate pressing shift for some reason. Just search for “shift shift” in admin.min.js and change it to whatever key sequence you desire. Perhaps something like ‘ctrl+shift+f’ would be more familiar.)
]]>Hi there, great plugin, I’ve just discovered it.
Any chance for including Users in the search?
Local Multisite system (DesktopServer). Maybe it doesn’t run under MS?
Got the below error on the “Edit Contact Form” page in Contact Form 7.
Notice Undefined offset: 6 in D:\work\WP-dev\DesktopServer\\wp-content\plugins\admin-command-palette\admin\class-acp-admin-pages.php on line 82
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0070 230928 {main}( ) ..\admin.php:0
2 1.0731 42642448 do_action( ) ..\admin.php:168
3 1.2201 45790240 call_user_func_array:{D:\work\WP-dev\DesktopServer\\wp-includes\plugin.php:503} ( ) ..\plugin.php:503
4 1.2201 45790280 ACP_Admin_Pages->load( ) ..\plugin.php:503
5 1.2201 45790376 ACP_Data->load_data( ) ..\class-acp-admin-pages.php:24
6 1.2211 45790408 ACP_Admin_Pages->load_admin_pages( ) ..\class-acp-data.php:120
Is there a way to add a custom field to the index?