Is there a keyboard shortcut to untoggle the admin bar?
First of all, thanks for this useful plugin. I encountered an issue when in admin bar there are a lots of items and the size of the window cannot add them into a single line.
Extra items appear even if the admin bar is hidden, this cause impossibility to toggle it.
I found that when the admin bar get the -32px adding the property:
.jck_ab_hidden #wpadminbar {
visibility : hidden;
solve the issue.
]]>The latest release doesn’t have the toggle switch after you open the admin bar.
]]>I’ve tried updating from Plugin listing and it fails. Also when you click on View details, and update there it fails and when you click on Dashboard / Updates it fails.
Just FYI.
]]>I updated the CSS & JS to make it responsive. also to use dashicons font for the arrows
the CSS:
#wp-admin-bar-top-secondary { padding-right:26px !important; }
#wp-admin-bar-hideshow { position:absolute !important; top:0; right:0; width:25px; }
#wp-admin-bar-hideshow a.ab-item { text-align:center; padding:0 !important; line-height:32px; color: #999999; font-size: 16px; }
#wp-admin-bar-hideshow > .ab-item:before { content: "\f342"; position: absolute; left: 0; }
#showadminbar { position:fixed; width:24px; display:block; height:32px; top:0; right:0; direction:ltr; color:#999999; font: 400 20px/1 dashicons; background-color:#222222; text-decoration:none; text-align:center; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 5px; -o-border-radius-bottomleft: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; z-index:9999; }
#showadminbar:before { content: "\f346"; left: 3px; position: absolute; top: 5px; }
#showadminbar:hover { color:#fafafa; }
@media all and (max-width: 782px) {
#wpadminbar li#wp-admin-bar-hideshow { display: block; }
#wp-admin-bar-hideshow > .ab-item::before { font-size: 26px; left: -3px; top: 9px; }
and JS
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$window = $(window),
$body = $('body'),
$firstLoad = true,
$adminBar = $('#wpadminbar'),
$html = $('html'),
$adminBarHeight = $ '.admin-bar' ) ? $adminBar.height() : 0;
$adminBar.after('<a id="showadminbar" href="/" title="Show Admin Bar"> </a>'); //↓</a>');
var $showAdminBar = $('#showadminbar');
// ! Hide Admin Bar
$('#wp-admin-bar-hideshow a').click(function() {
return false;
// ! Show Admin Bar
$ {
$html.stop().animate({marginTop: $adminBarHeight+'px'},250,"linear");
return false;
function checkWidth() {
var windowsize = $window.width();
$adminBarHeight = $ '.admin-bar' ) ? $( '#wpadminbar' ).height() : 0
function barShowing(){
function barHidden(){
function hideBar(){
Hey, what can I do to use it with a fixed top menu ?
The problem is when minimized my fixed menu stay 32px away from the top because of the trigger.
I tried to change the toggle position from fixed to absolute without success..
Any help would be ver much appreciated,
I love this plugin, and it still appears to work perfectly in WP4.0, but I wonder if you could spend a bit of time refreshing and checking to ensure ongoing forward compatibility?
It is the only one of its kind that is really simple, has never caused any conflicts, and I am very fond of it, so it would be much appreciated if you could find a bit of time to verify it for new releases please..
]]>Hi James,
Thanks for sharing your plugin. It helped me solve a problem that I was having with one of my themes that had a sticky menu that kept getting hidden behind the admin bar.
I am hoping that you can give me the code modification needed to make the admin menu visible by default instead of hidden.
Thanks so much!
]]>The toolbar height in WP 3.8 is now 32px as opposed to the 28px is was before, so the values in the plugin’s javascript need to be updated, as does the line-height values in the CSS.
I’d also suggest setting the opacity on the #showadminbar id to .5 and 1.0 on hover to make it less obtrusive. Just a thought.
Once a day it seems, morning time–it fails to give me my admin bar when I log in as admin. It just gives me the buddy bar. So I have to go to the plugin directory. Rename it and then refresh screen. Then rename directory back and it works fine.
Help–whats going on?
]]>Is it possible to change the arrow at the right that toggles the menu bar. I’m a bit fussy about my website ??
PS It works great! Just what I wanted.
Suggestion: It would be even better if the menu dropped down when I moved the mouse arrow to the top of the screen eliminating the need for the arrow entirely. Great idea though. I imagine a lot of people will use this as there is really no way to eliminate the bar and still give people access to their settings. Cheers
]]>Had an error downloading the plugin. It’s not on my plugin list and when but it says it’s installed when I go to download it again. I downloaded the zip file from this page but I get the error: “Destination folder already exists. /home/content/06/6399406/html/wp-content/plugins/admin-bar-toggle/” Thanks for the help. Looking forward to trying this out. I’m surprised no one had thought of writing a plug that has the black menu bar hide at the top of the page and slide down onto the page when the cursor hits the top of the page. It really uglies thing up but there’s now way for a user to access their settings if you just hide it.
I can’t see what change on this page
]]>James, there seems to be a script conflict with causing the admin bar toggle to break. I’m not sure about this but it seems to me that the Aloha editor’s jQ Easing swing extension is the culprit (ref aloha.js around line 26500). I guess a quick fix in the Admin bar toggle plugin will be way faster to implement.
Since aloha’s version of ‘swing’ doesn’t seem to play nice with your script, a simple workaround can be achieved by explicitly specifying the easing function ‘linear’ for all animate()’s in the Admin bar toggle script, thus avoiding the use of ‘swing’.
Thanks for your work on this very useful plugin!
]]>Right now the the ‘bump’ for the admin bar doesn’t free up the space for the admin bar.
add_action('get_header', array(&$this,'head_filter'));
add_theme_support( 'admin-bar', array( 'callback' => '__return_false') );
does the trick.
Like the title said, how do you make it work for all user? So far, it works for only admin.