All Locations widget – how to set the default Active Directory – All Directory?
]]>I just updated my site and saw the message to install AdonsKit for Elementor. I installed the Kit and it has messed up my site, bigtime. The Kit activates the filters sidebar by default. This can be switched off on the page backend. It now shows the featured icon on each item whether they are a featured item or not. Items in the backend show not featured, but the icon shows in the front end. The title text overflows to the next item and sometimes it overwrites the next items title text. Somehow, it has put an orang border around each item. I don’t know where this has come from, but I didn’t put it there. It doesn’t seem to be respecting the category specified and is displaying everything from all categories. If I disable the Kit plugin, I get nothing displayed at all. How can I fix this apart from reverting back to a previous version?
]]>Hi there, how do we select the specific directory to be displayed when using the Elementor element? Or is this a feature coming in a future update?