Hi Udi,
Once you chose to hide the icon/text and then go to another page on the website, the icon/text is shown again.
Can the plugin remember the hidden status across navigating pages?
Thank you!
]]>Hi Udi,
Currently, you have to choose between either showing an icon or text.
Would it be possible to have an option to select both?
Something like this would be nice:
Thank you!
]]>I installed the plugin as in the instructions, but it does not work. If you try to send me a message you will see that the plugin does not work.
I think it is obviously a lightweight plugin and does not contain any unnecessary features. But the plugin doesn’t work ??
I love this app works brilliantly. I have request please. Would it be possible to add functionality to choose the days that the button is active? My business is only operational Monday to Friday. At the moment I get calls over the weekends from customers that use the button to call and ask questions.
Appreciate if you could add button text for default whatsapp icon style
Make it latest wp 6 compatible and latest php 7.4.8 compatible.
How can I hide the button for mobile users?
]]>Hi guys!
Thanks for your plugin.
I think put an whatsapp icon (or img) in button text could will more usable.
I have tried to do it but I have not succeeded.
Could you help me?
how can i reduce button size?as its very large
when I open my website on mobile iPhone and click on the button it opens whatsapp website link in safari instead of taking me to the app.
Any idea why?
]]>hello, in one of the screenshot, it shows that the button can be whatsapp icon, how can i do that?