It would be great if this plugin could preserve links from HTML.
<a >my website</a>
becomes in plain text?:
my website (https://mywebsite.tld)
Here is a line of code to do this?:
+ // preserve links into brackets
+ $text = preg_replace( '@<a .*href="(.*)".*>(.*)</a>@iu', "\$2 (\$1)", $text );
// strip all remaining HTML tags
$text = strip_tags( $text );
After the last update the plugin causes a fatal error – a conflict with WP Mail SMTP plugin.
I am using your plugin and I know it is still valid and working fine but It would be great to mark it as compatible with the latest WP version.
Do you plan to update it in the future at least for that?
First of all, thanks a lot for your work.
I understand that the last update is old and that you may not works on that plugin anymore, but I only find your solution to add plain text email.
I use contact form 7 with postman-postsmtp… how can I check that it works ?
Because on mail tester I have an error, and when I check the mail after reception, I didn’t see any plain text ??
Maybe Postman and this plugin is not compatible ?
Or because of WordPress last version ?
Many Thanks for your help.
I noticed the href attribute of a
tags isn’t preserved.
It would be nice if you would display the href attribute somewhere in the plain text (maybe in parentheses or after a colon after the a
tag’s text).
some link
some link:
Thank you.
]]>Thank you: this is needed insofar as wp-mail and wp_mail have no way to combine both html and plain text. We find that this is essential in spite of the small number of people who do not receive html. Some seem to turn off the html for whatever reason.
Regards, Bob Nicholls