Hi, they are not appearing… do you know which can be the issue?
site – https://www.dramarialucchesi.com
]]>Hello All,
I have fixed the errors in the plugin, the missing Instagram issue and also the bad JSON encoding.
The JSON encoding error was only an issue if you didn’t fill in ALL the social networks.
You can download my fixed version here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B27KYVQWtynSNjc0SWFfMWJabmM/view?usp=sharing
Developer, please feel free to use my fixes and update the plugin in the repository.
]]>Sorry please disregard.
I have installed the plugin long back. In fact I was the third person to download your plugin somewhere in Jan 2015. Initially I thought that Google would take some time to throw up the social profiles on my company knowledge graph but its been more than 3 months it is just not happening. Kindly help.
]]>Hey cool plugin !
I’m seeing a problem with the Instagram field… maybe the LinkedIn field too?
I input all of our Social Links for everything (but LinkedIn),
including our Instagram link https://instagram.com/LakePath
then clicked Save.
However, after clicking save, my Google+ link shows in the Instagram field. I tried deleting the Instagram Link but the Google+ link shows up again in the field after clicking save.
I ran the Structured Data Testing Tool on our URL https://LakePath.com and it shows an error on line #82
Also, for the fun of it, I tried adding the Instagram link to the LinkIn field but it’s not showing up in the Structured Data Testing Tool either.
I left the plugin active on our web site if you want to take a look: https://LakePath.com
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
]]>First of all thank’s for this great plugin. I have a little question,
I installed it and set my social profiles, do you know how long its take Google to index this info?