Please update plugin to be compatible for latest WP version. Thank you.
]]>Hii, what tables do i remove averter uninstalling the plugin?
]]>I like to insert my own big full column width photo in a post. But I also want a thumbnail to show up in RSS feeds and in my recent posts on my home page. To get a thumbnail to show up on my recent posts on my home page I would have to upload a featured image in every post. But if I upload a featured image in a post with my theme Kallyas, it automatically inserts a small left side positioned image at the top of my post. I already inserted that image full widge inside my post, so now it is in the post twice. In the edit page, you cannot see the featured image at the top, so there’s no way to simply delete it. But on the published page, it shows up twice in the post. So what I need (and thousands just like me) is a way to include a featured image so we get the thumbnail image, but we cannot have that featured image automatically inserting itself in the body of the post. That’s just dumb. Some plugins claim to fix this, but I’ve tried two and they do not work. Help. This is a big deal for me. How can I get your plugin to stop automatically inserting the featured image into the body of the post in my Kallyas theme?
]]>I’ve been trying to get this setup on in the white box that has two blog posts. When I turn on this plugin, the post images appear (huge) and there is no text.
Any idea how to fix?
]]>I ended up just dropping your code into functions.php, but it only works on localhost. Any thoughts on that?
Please check out this link and its RSS feed.
The plugin was successfully installed and activated but – as you can see – the image is not showing up.
Can you please give me a hint?
]]>Corey, thank you so much for developing the plugin.
I am trying to center the featured image into my rss.
I’m not sure which code to use, I’m still learning, but using this below:
<span style="color: rgb(58, 58, 58); font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 21px; text-align: -webkit-auto; background-color: rgb(249, 249, 249); img align='center';">*|RSSITEM:IMAGE|*</span><br />
I do not know what to place to align the image, if this is even possible.
Is this correct? Mail chimp could not help me….
img align=’center’;
within the span style, or do I make another span within the *|RSSITEM:IMAGE|*
Please advise, thank you again,
for website:
the thumbnails are not appearing with the feed. I’m using hungryfeed for the RSS feed plugin. Thanks.
]]>Hi Corey,
any chance of changing the image size on the RSS feed? Please advise.
Thank you!
]]>RSS feed for single post, including featured image is added to the header of each single post page. Any idea why this is happening? Your help is greatly appreciated.