I want to add Affiliate Ads on my directory site. But the theme and plugin company uses custom database tables to store location and other details. Would I be able to use your plugin to insert affiliate ads on the site, based on location?
The version of markdown.php you use is _not_ compatible w/ PHP 7.x class constructor interface. Do you have any plans to upgrade to the new PHP Markdown (https://github.com/michelf/php-markdown)?
]]>How it is connected to DFP google?
It is not clear as it should be the link with the DFP account…
]]>Is there any way to make the table of values in the tool sortable and/or searchable? paging through ten pages to find every entry with a specific value makes ACM difficult to work with for me.
]]>Please help! I’m having issues trying to get the targeting to work. I need to target a campaign to the Bipolar category on my site and it’s serving the default ads no matter what I do.
Anyone have any ideas about what I’m doing wrong?
]]>We have setup 10 different acm tags. We use the Ad Code Manager Ad Zone widget to place the ad code tags into the site. we have setup roughly 72 Doubleclick for Publisher Async tags, with various conditionals. (i.e. is_home/is_front_page, is_category/has_category blah, etc).
Ads are delivering, however we are noticing that if we have 7 or so ads ordered for a particular zone. only one or two will rotate out. what settings do we need in DFP and/or AD Code Manager to ensure that all 7 ads ordered for a zone get properly rotated?
]]>Does Ad Code Manager work for DFP responsive GPT?
]]>Haven’t looked into the cause but something on the admin side is causing conflict with the Advanced Custom Fields image field – preventing it from saving images (javascript error “Uncaught Error: A “url” property or function must be specified ” – something to look into.
]]>How can I add multiple conditional types to a single conditional? For instance, I have a “dining” ad unit that I’d like to map two unique blogs to, Best Restaurants and The Dish? Right now, I’m creating two unique ad tags for each but ideally I can only create one ad tag for both.
]]>I’m using ACM to generate DFP tags on my entire website. I want to replace these ad units on posts of a specific category to display different ad units.
The conditional is defined for the category, but the ROS tags must be excluded on posts in this category.
I want to add a custom conditional with the following code:
* ACM: Custom conditional
add_filter( 'acm_whitelisted_conditionals', 'my_acm_whitelisted_conditionals' );
function my_acm_whitelisted_conditionals( $conditionals ) {
$conditionals[] = 'not_has_category';
return $conditionals;
add_filter( 'acm_conditional_args', 'my_acm_conditional_args', 10, 2 );
function my_acm_conditional_args( $cond_args, $cond_func ) {
global $wp_query;
if ( in_array( $cond_func, array( 'has_category', 'has_tag' ) ) ) {
if ( $wp_query->is_single == true ) {
$cond_args[] = $wp_query->queried_object->ID;
return $cond_args;
What modifications to the above code will exlude the DFP tags “if not has category”?
]]>Im talking here about Google adsense.
Look authors, it seems everybody who has the knowledge to use this plugin are overwhelming about this plugin.
But the people who desperately want to use this plugin, and don’t have the knowledge, don’t understand a thing about the too much technical kind of explaining by you. Also the pictures you use as screenshots are totally different what i see in my screen.
The time has change, this doesn’t work this way anymore. Everbody will delete and find a simpler or less difficult plugin.
I am trying to give you a chance, please explain also for newbies with pictures and clear steps, how to use this plugin.
Thank you!
I’m considering using this plugin, but have a couple of questions about setup for DFP.
It looks to me like you are defining all the slots in the head section of all pages of my site. And then you are displaying them using the do_action( ‘acm_tag’… code as needed in different page templates. Am I correct? I thought that the number of slots must always match the number of ads displayed, no?
Also, do take advantage of the custom targeting in DFP (that uses the code setTargeting(‘key’,’value’)? If not, how do I match the advertiser who (for instance) wants their ad to only show up on a specific taxonomy page?
Thanks, Ron
]]>Hi folks,
WordPress Enterprise support configured the back-end part of WordPress Ad Code Manager on my blog.But I cant figure out the front end.
I am confused as to where to get the “Tag ID”, “DFP ID”, “Tag Name” from Adsense & Google Admanager to use in WordPress Ad Code Manager.
What I’ve been doing is going to Google DFP clicking on a specific ad unit and extracting the tags from the URL:
To my understanding the DFP ID is the 1111111. Tag ID is 2222222, and the Tage name would me the name of the item in the inventory, something like Indexpage_headerbanner. This hasn;t worked for me. I’ve read as much as I could to get some clarification.
How do I get the “Tag ID”, “DFP ID”, “Tag Name” from Adsense & Google Admanager to use in WordPress Ad Code Manager.
]]>for example, I want to show certain ads only on “region” taxonomy archive and single posts that are in that “region”. I see that I need to use acm_whitelisted_conditionals but can’t get it to work, please help
]]>Hi there, I’ve installed the Ad Code Manager plugin, added an ad onto Google DFP and added the ACM widget into my header. I’ve created a new Tag into Ad Code Manager with my ad tag and my publisher ID and saved it. I load the site and there’s a blank space where the ad should be.
I look at the source of the page and where the ad should be I see this:
<li class="widget widget-header"><div id="acm-ad-tag-%tag_id%" style="width:%width%px; height:%height%px;"><script type="text/javascript">
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('acm-ad-tag-%tag_id%'); });
So it seems that the variables in the % signs aren’t being replaced as they should. Do I need to add any additional code into my template in order to get the replacement to work correctly, or am I just doing something monumentally idiotic as usual?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I installed the plugin and got the leaderboard to display almost out of the box, just by configuring the DFP Asynch Settings with the UI in the WP-Backend and then to use the widget to display the leaderboard where I want. I just had trouble with the terminology to find the DFP ID and Tag ID, because I couldn’t find anything pointing me to that direction in DFP and I had to try&error (Hint: an example in the screenshots, of how those IDs look like or where to get them in DFP would be more helpfull for non-devs than multiple shots of empty settings).
Now, we need more ad sizes, but the documentation is somewhat confusing. I found multiple, different integration code examples here in the forum pointing to gist, plus the readme-file, the help notes in the backend or the VIP-Blog-post. Problem is, I don’t know exactly what code that I need where just to add more ad sizes.
If I add the filter with the new Ad IDs to functions.php, nothing happens.
I’m also looking to integrate the ad codes as widgets, because I have no idea how to add a rectangle into the middle of the sidebar otherwise.
]]>One other Q while I have your ear. I’m reading the acm_output_html notes on the WP plugin page’s “other notes” and I am wondering if that’s the mechanism to add CSS calls before and after the ad?
I’ve widgetized the ad zones so I am looking for a way to inject a div around each zone for presentation purposes.
This would be a nice thing to have in the GUI eventually.
]]>I took another crack at 0.3 last night and couldn’t figure things out between conflicting documents and various gIthub snippets and old DFP vs. new. Then 0.4 and I’m up and running! Great job on the new release!
One question. Does priority set the order of conditional checks? If I have 728x90_HP with “is_home” and priority “1″ and 728x90_ROS with no conditions (as run of site defaults) and priority “10″ am I using that correctly?
Thanks again!
just installed your plugin and i do not realy understand.
how to get it running, as can’t see anywhere, how to set it up under, tools/ads code manager-setting.
what and where i have to fill.
i do not see, where to put my dfp pub_number…
could you please ad this to your screenshots, i believe this would help many, to understand better your plugin.
many thanks and regards
I think I made a mistake. I installed this plugin but I’m not abble to use it. I don’t know html code. I thought this plugin was to easy use in CMS. I’ld just want to manage banner.
Someone to explain me?
Love the idea of the plugin, though the process I feel isn’t incredibly clear for DFP newbies. We tried Ad Code Manager for a bit but gave up and are considering custom implementation that would just insert ad tags that we have pre-generated from DFP into template code via a function. I think the main problem is that we’re not understanding how this all works in relation with DFP, and a general ignorance of how to make DFP work with this in the first place since it’s all a new system. We just jumped from FM to DFP last week so we are still getting up to speed.
For instance, we can generate tags for DFP that would go to Google Ad Manager, but have no idea what parts of the tags we need to put into Ad Code Manager or how placements relate to ad tag IDs.
Ideally, we’d like to move into using this plugin but we’re a little daunted because there’s not a lot of ground-level information out there on how to start. Would it be possible for someone to chime in and give direction on how this should be set up on the DFP side, since there doesn’t seem to be a wealth of information out there?
Thanks! Any and all help would be immensely appreciated.
]]>Is there a possibility to make the plugin usable for two types of codes and rotate the both account’s ads with specific time intervals?
That could help Multisite owners to share revenue among the sub-site users as requested by many users. One of the post is here at Stackechange
]]>Hi there,
I don’t quite understand how to get started with this.
How do ad-tags look like in my template or widget? What is Zone1? What does the ID do for me and how does it all fit together?
Can you show us one example of how I would include a DFP tag? Let’s assume my account/slot values are ad-xxxxxxxxxxxx-0 and ad-xxxxxxxxxxxx-1, followed by /xxxxxx/AdUnit_Heaader_ATF_468x60 and /xxxxxx/AdUnit_Middle_ATF_300x250
Thanks a lot!