The option to “Show the banner to logged in users?” doesn’t seem to be working. The banner does not show for logged in users with the box checked or unchecked. Thank You.
can you please tell me asap what exactly files have you change in the last update? Last update gave me white page on my website.
I try to install the Plugin, but when it’s activate, there is a Error:
Fatal error: Internal Zend error – Missing class information for in /xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/wp-content/plugins/ad-blocking-detector/views/admin-views.php on line 8
How can i solve it?
]]>We apologize for any issues you might have encountered, they’re usually a simple fix that our support staff would be more than happy to help you with.
For the best and quickest support please go to and our live support staff will be able to help you out.
If you’d like our newest, most-advanced adblock solutions plugin please go here:
– Admiral Support
]]>GET 500 (Internal Server Error)
We wanted to let you know that we are extremely excited to continue to help you regain your website control over the adblockers.
We recently launched a much more robust plugin with a full dashboard of analytics that is extremely light/quick. This link ( will take you to the advanced plugin.
If you ever have any questions or issues just email us at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you right away.
]]>Would be great if this plug-in offered an import/export settings/ads feature. Otherwise, great plug-in!
]]>I visited the developer’s test page with Firefox private browsing (this mode blocks all advertising when you browse the Internet), and it is not working.
If you want to test this yourself in Firefox go to Menu>New Private Window and visit the test page.
]]>it’s not working on my site and on your demo page as well
when i use advanced setting global css selector “ins.adsbygoogle”
the message you’re using an ad blocker appears even when ad blocker and ghostery is disabled.
]]>This looks like a great plugin, so we tried testing it offline using WAMP. The plugin installed without error. During plugin set-up we received the error below when clicking on the add new shortcode tab, entering text in the box and clicking save. Then anytime we click on the plugin in the WP Admin thereafter, we get the same error.
Nothing seems to be wrong on the outward facing website, but we can’t get the plugin configured. We have tried uninstalling, restoring the database and reinstalling the plugin with the same results. The error persists when we deactivate and reactivate the plugin as well.
Expected string. Got:
Error Location:
Function: ABDWPSM_Section::set_display_name()
File: C:\——–\wp-content\plugins\ad-blocking-detector\includes\wpsm\section.php
Line #: 378
I’m using Winsdows 10 with Chrome 50 and AdBlocker Plus 1.11 and the blocker was not recognise
Also accessing “I saw No Ad Blocker Found”
I am testing the adblock detector plugin, and I have a test page that loads 3 shortcodes along with a live ad
All but one of the short codes are incorrectly detecting a blocking state from an ad blocker (I use ad block plus)
I have tested under Safari and fire fox with ABP installed, and also Chrome which doesn’t have ABP installed. In all cases, the first two short codes are blocked, and the last short code loaded on the page runs correctly.
here is a link to the test page
It still does it job detecting adblock users and blocking them however it’s totally broken inside dashboard and post box.
I had to disable this plugin everytime I wanted to update post..
Will an update coming anytime soon?
]]>I saw the thread about fatal errors but it was marked as resolved but the problem is definitely not resolved for me. I am not sure when this started happening or why but now whenever I activate ad blocking detector, memory usage in my Cpanel seems to dramatically spike and my WordPress dashboard becomes unusable. There’s no error as such but when I click to navigate anywhere on the WP dash it just sits there with the spinning loading icon in the tab and never does anything. To fix the problem I have to disable Ad blocking detector via FTP
]]>The Ad blocker Detector is giving me statistics, but what exactly do they mean.
So far today we have.
Ad Blockers Enabled (5500)
Ad Blockers Disabled (2680)
What do those number mean???
I guess my real question is does Ad Blockers Disabled mean those users did not have an ad blocker at all?
It is not very clear to me at least.
Should the Ad Blocker Message still appear, after the Ad Blocker was paused for the site?
I placed an ad blocker widget in the sidebar, the message appeared as it should. But when the Ad Blocker was paused for the site, and the page refreshed the Ad Blocker message continued to appear.
I had assumed it would go away, when the ad blocker was not active.
Thanks for any suggestions.
]]>If I add adblocker detector, will visitors using adblock see links containing images? Because adblockers erase links with images and enables visitors to see text links only.
Is adblocker detector free, and can I use it in a wordpress blog that doesnt have my own domain, or is it just for websites and blogs with their own domain?
]]>You’ve created a highly-impressive plugin here – one that will be very useful to many people – even if they don’t know it yet!
I’ve been running it for the last couple of weeks and relatively pleased that AdBlocking users are currently relatively low (~7.5%). (Do you see that as low?)
With mobile traffic so high these days, it would be great to have a breakdown of Mobile ad blocker usage vs Desktop of the stats.
Is it something you’re considering as an enhancement?
]]>This is a good plugin. Thanks for making it.
I’d like to suggest an additional feature.
Give us a way to automatically collect a PayPal payment or credit card payment and automatically detect when the payment has been collected to give the ad block visitor access. This way, we could give them three options:
(1) They can unblock (whitelist) our site
(2) They can pay a small fee to gain access to our site
(3) They can remain blocked and go away
After all, the whole purpose here is to make sure we generate income in some way from the content visitors use on our site.
ad block detector do not display text in my template but displays when i am on customization url something like :
what may be wrong?
Is there a way to whitelist an IP or IP range to allow just those users to block ads without being blocked by the site?
I see that you can Ignore IP Addresses or Ignore Logged In Users from stats collection, but say that user x can bypass the ad block completely.
Thanks again!
]]>Sorry if these have already been answered, but I wasn’t able to find them anywhere.
When using this plugin, I try to add a new shortcode, fill all the info, and then, when I am done and click “save”, it doesn’t save the shortcode, goes to a page (like and shows “ERROR: couldn’t find options page”.
What could it be?
my theme does not support shortcodes (i dont want to hardcore edit it), so i need to use either HTML or Javascript. Is there a way to use Js instead shortcode?
]]>Trying to activate the latest version of the plugin always throws this error message:
]]>The plugin generated 507 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.
Hi, not a bug or anything just a possible feature request. I’m considering starting a Patreon campaign and I’d like to give my Patreon subscribers the option to use Adblock and not get the appeal screen. Effectively, I want a way to disable Adblock detector for certain user accounts. Is this possible? Perhaps via another plugin? Thanks.
]]>I installed your tool and did not want to review it before I got feedback from you on what appears to be an issue internally that triggers malware exceptions at google and other major security tools. I had to quaranteed the whole ad-blocking-detector plugin to get my site back to normal an not so show up with these errors:
Every time i unquaranteened your plugin my site got flagged. I just instaled the pulgin this weekend and two hours later these errors started. The install was from the internal wordpress install. I am writing you because perhaps omeone corrupted the reference installer on the wordpress platform or because as a fellow devloper I would much prefer to knwo about the problem than have someone jump all over me.
]]>The shortcode “[adblockingdetector id=”55e9c8908dfba”]” is showing on the site. Y put it in my header.
Im using also the plugin “Smart Ads” that uses [smartads] format, is that the problem?
]]>Hi ABD developer,
I’m very impressed with your plugin, I will rate when my issue has been resolved. When I try it with adblocker turned on, I don’t see my text replacing the blocked ads.
I have followed your troubleshooting instruction in the Report a Problem tab. Your Demo page is working properly but mine’s not, I use this to test the blocked ads. I’ve tried disabling W3 Total Cache and Autooptimizer plugin but the problem is persist.
I use Simple Grid Theme Responsive theme by Marios Lublinski with some adjustment.
Here is my wordpress post, the text should shown above post title.
Thanks before, I like this plugin and I hope this is work in my WP.
]]>I have attempted to upgrade to latest version of Ad Blocking Detector (ABD), but it won’t activate the Block List Countermeasures (BLC) supplementary plugin.
I receive an an error message in the plugin window asking me to activate ABD plugin (which is already activated) and then try reactivating ABD-BLC.
I have tried doing that, as well as deactivating and deleting and uploading from the repository as well as my had drive, all with no luck.
I did also run a database repair, DB was OK.
I believe that there was no issue with the first version(s), but this most recent (3.3.1) has the issue.
(I have since reverted to the recommended older version is 2.2.8.)