In UI design, we use Hex8 but not Hex6, like this one: #RRGGBBAA, the last 2 numbers represent Alpha, because we always use transparency in design.
However, in this plugin, it seems only show 6 numbers, anyway to make it support 8 HEX?
]]>I found a weird bug. I added an acf edit form on my single page und the button of the acf image field stopped working. I just found out, that the bug only appears with php 7.4
]]>Error in console: wpColorPickerL10n.clearAriaLabel deprecated since 5.5 version use wp.i18n instead
The RGBA colour picker does not show up in the ACF fields when I am trying to add the dynamic background colour while building the page/post. How can I make it show, so I could add it?
]]>Seems like it’s not compatible with WP 5.5
Is the plugin still being supported and updated or do I need to find an alternate solution? Been using this plugin for a few years and I install on all my sites. Thanks for providing a great plugin. Hoping to keep using it.
With your plugin activated it looks like it is causing a z-index error with yours and the standard ACF color picker. The two images below show both when activated and deactivated.
When using with Divi 4.x there’s a visual problem with the field, with Divi 3.x it worked correctly.
Divi 3.x:
Divi 4.x:
Let me know if you need anything else. Hopefully there’s something you can do.
Thank you for this great add to ACF Pro.
I’ve found a bug while using the mixed HEX and RGBA color pallete, this is how to spot it:
Set some mixed HEX/RGBA colors like “#5ac07b; #aa00ff; rgba(150,40,30,0.7); rgba(10,140,90,0.2)“.
On the color picker, if I first click on a HEX set color, the alpha is correctly set to 1, because HEX doesn’t support transparency. Then, on clicking the RGBA transparent color, everything is also ok and the alpha is set.
The problem:
After clicking on a RGBA transparent color, If I click again on a HEX color, the alpha isn’t reset to 1 as it should, keeps the alpha from the last RGBA clicked.
The issue remains even after clicking on the “Clear” button.
Thank you.
All color pickers missing (even when not using RGBA color picker ACF field). Have not yet tested for theme or plugin conflict.
I am using this plugin with ACF Prov v. 5.6.4 and it’s displaying double Alpha Slider when selecting color. Check below screenshot.
Thanks for the new version of this great plugin.
The colour palette ability is really great! I have connected it to my redux options page. I have included the code in my functions.php to add the palette and it works perfectly.
However: The below errors show in debug mode and make the plugin unusable in Debug Mode.
Notice: Undefined index: hide_palette in ………./wp-content/plugins/acf-rgba-color-picker/fields/acf-rgba-color-picker-v5.php on line 138
Notice: Undefined index: color_palette in ……../wp-content/plugins/acf-rgba-color-picker/fields/acf-rgba-color-picker-v5.php on line 141
I tried checking isset() on the vars but it broke the pallet.
]]>Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function acf_register_field_type() in /home/trgwebde/public_html/trgwebdev/wp-content/plugins/acf-rgba-color-picker/fields/acf-rgba-color-picker-v5.php:203 Stack trace: #0 /home/trgwebde/public_html/trgwebdev/wp-content/plugins/acf-rgba-color-picker/acf-rgba-color-picker.php(94): include_once() #1 /home/trgwebde/public_html/trgwebdev/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(298): acf_plugin_extended_color_picker->include_field_types(5) #2 /home/trgwebde/public_html/trgwebdev/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(323): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #3 /home/trgwebde/public_html/trgwebdev/wp-includes/plugin.php(453): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #4 /home/trgwebde/public_html/trgwebdev/wp-content/plugins/advanced-custom-fields-pro/acf.php(234): do_action(‘acf/include_fie…’, 5) #5 /home/trgwebde/public_html/trgwebdev/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(298): acf->init(”) #6 /home/trgwebde/public_html/trgwebdev/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(323): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #7 /home/trgwebde in /home/trgwebde/public_html/trgwebdev/wp-content/plugins/acf-rgba-color-picker/fields/acf-rgba-color-picker-v5.php on line 203
The color picker works fine in all Mac browsers, but Windows 8 Chrome and Firefox, the slider is falling out of the box and unable to use. Can you please look into this? Here is a screencap of what is happening: