You did a great plugin ! I’m looking for managing images with this plugin. Any idea to add this feature ?
]]>I have a wysiwyg field where I have put in the shortcode from foogallery but this plugin is confliciting with the gallery because it’s trying to make the shortcode editable. Can you please make it so it won’t trie to edit shortcodes?
Your plugin seems to be very cool but unfortunately is not working if installed Advanced Custom Fields qTranslate – do you have any idea to let it works with my configuration?
Hey, great work on this, thank you for your time!
Is there any way of enabling source html on the front end? I have some sections with a few li’s and I don’t want to convert each to it’s own field, mainly because that would take forever. But if you backspace too much or hit tab, the original li structure I paste in, gets all jacked up and you can’t fix it without going into the admin.
Thanks again!
]]>When I make changes to the custom field, the plugin deletes the custom field when it’s saved.
]]>Seems when I change anything and click the save text on the top bar it says it saves but when i refresh the page, it’s back to what it was before i saved.
]]>Great plugin, it does ‘almost’ everything i want it to do but what you’ve done is great and will get me by.
Question though — i have a bunch of fields laid out in a table form. if there is no existing value for the acf field that is echoed to the page, i can’t select it to edit. I was wondering if there is a place in the code that I can add just a space or a blank character so that i’m able to select the area to edit. showing the borders shows nothing where that field’s contents would be.
great plugin though, THANKS.
]]>Hello, I just wanted to say that it would be great if you could exclude fields from frontend editing. If you use an acf field to (for example) insert a class name into your code, it gets wrapped in contenteditable html and breaks things. I have also had this problem when creating a text field for inserting font awesome icons into content. I realize that this isn’t an issue if you arent logged in, but from a UX standpoint it isn’t great.
<div class="modal fade" id="<d contenteditable data-postid=" options"="" data-name="lots_repeater_1_lot_id" data-key="field_58fe3f516b974">lot-2-block-1" tabindex="-1"
Great plugin. Is it somehow possible to add more tags (h4/h5/h6) to the editor?
]]>Can you add support for the standard text widget would be really nice. BTW love the plugin great work!
]]>I can’t edit content from the default page content editor it doesn’t put <d> around it. Is this a bug or is this just a feature missing? So do I have to remove the default content editor and create one with acf and use this with my theme?
]]>nice plugin.
however, something not works :
Is there any way to include support for other than text fields? I need users to select a wider range of options served from ACF fields.
]]>Great plugin, thanks a lot!
One question though: is there a (simplish) way to limit what kind of content is editable?
E.G. I’d like to set page title and navigation off-limits to what ACF FEE, or rather the client, can change.
BTW: the FEE code is somehow doubled in my navigation:
<d contenteditable data-postid="53" data-name="wp_hd_title" data-key="wp_core"><d contenteditable data-postid="11" data-name="wp_hd_title" data-key="wp_core">Name of Page</d></d>
I get the error “414 Request-URI Too Large”, and a “Somthing went wrong!” alert when trying to save changes to a very large post where the content has been mostly added in the content area.
Seems like this can be fixed by simply using an ajax POST instead of an ajax GET request when saving.
Your plugin seems to be cool! But I see that the .pot file in /languages/ is empty and all text strings/messages are hardcoded. Could you internationalize your plugin?
I’d translate it into Russian, for example.
Firstly – I think you’ve got something great here… it’s a fantastic plugin. Thank you very much indeed for releasing it.
I’ve noticed a slight display issue. I have a button within a theme option which looks like it displaying the value twice, but almost as if the HTML hasn’t been closed off properly.
I’ve taken a screenshot of the item in question with the relevant part in Chrome inspector.
I’m not quite sure how to troubleshoot, but if this is something you want to fix – I’m more than happy to help ??
]]>I love this front end editing! Some of my acf options were used for ids though. Is there any way to remove the edit function from these options in the code?
]]>I installed this plugin with not so great expectations after many other front end editor. However, this plugin delivered amazingly! And surprisingly so, it’s even more powerful than I was anticipating.
I have a question and a feature request as well.
The Question: Is it possible to limit front-end editing of a specific post type based on user roles?
Feature Request: Double click to activate editor
]]>When make changes and click on ‘save’
message appear “Changes have been saved!”
after refresh page applied changes not saved, display old content
This issue with custom post and block widget plugin
plugin link
Could you tell me we can make editable custom posts and block widgets ?
Thank you!
]]>Right now it seems as though the toolbar popup only works with WYSIWYG, are there plans or is it possible to expand that to text / textarea fields?
First of all nice plugin!
I am setting up a site where users are logged in from the frontend and therefore is the Admin bar disabled. But then there is no way to save?
Is it possible to move the save button to the pop up for editing?
This looks like a promising plugin.
Scribu’s Front end editor was a plugin that allows us to edit any text that you see on the page and unfortunately he decided not to develop it after WordPress released its own whose scope is very limited.
There is another robust plugin by Elliot Condon (ACF’s creator) called Live Edit. This too is a great plugin that enables any ACF field editable but abandoned by Elliot.
Yours is the third plugin that I like and is the best of its kind. Could you tell me if your plugin is limited to ACF fields or other text on the webpage?
Thank you!