What could be the URL to force a field to save.
Does something like this could work
IE /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=some_action&var={acf[field_5691f90569c3a]}
Or else, prehaps I should update the page on click ? It might do the same thing.
]]>How can I add icons to button and default text and same or new window setting not working default. How can I solve it?
i use ACF button with Visual Composer and Post Grid.
On the back-end i put PDF files for the link in internal link.
But when i click on the front-end on the link i’m redirected on the file’s page ( https://localhost/lerhonewp/presskit/francais/lerhone_pr_fr_web/ ) and not the file download url (https://localhost/lerhonewp/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/LeRhone_PR_FR_web.pdf)…
Can you help me to resolve my problem please.. ?
Regards !
]]>no option for button as a field type. Maybe works on the non-pro version of ACF.
Thanks for this plugin , I think its good if we could add Class for each button we can create.
]]>Great plugin, how can I filter or display only posts, or pages?
]]>Hi, why is it not possible for me to hide the button field, if it’s empty?
This is how I do with the rest of the custom fields. But the button field will not cooperate.
<?php if( get_field('field_name') ): ?>
<p>My field value: <?php the_field('field_name'); ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
Thanks ??