Thanks for making this plugin available!
Can I use this plugin to return a list of all the contents of a particular field, in any post? For example…
In a CPT of “Show” with an ACF field for “Actor”, return a list of all Actors in all shows?
Can this plugin accommodate that, and if so, how? If not, in brief, what is the right approach: a custom query loop?
]]>We are using your plugin on a website together with the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. Will you maintain compatibility also for the after recent events now external hosted and updated ACF plugin?
Thanks for your valuable plugin.
]]>Czo?em ?? doda?am Twoj? wtyczk? na stron? (zakldka sklep/czesci). jednym z pol ACF jest chociazby numer katalogowy i niestety jak widac nie wyszkuje produktów :/ jaki? pomys? jak rozwi?za? ten problem? z gory dzieki!
]]>Is there a way to exclude Standard WP “Posts” from showing in the results? I’m not using it because I use all ACF Fields for the data and custom post types. Thanks!
]]>Is it possible to extend ACF Better Search to search the ACF Table Field –
We have the ‘ACF: Better Search'(Version 4.2.1) plugin installed because we have some custom fields created with the ACF plugin and we want to search content from selected fields on the front-end using the default WordPress search engine. Also, we have The Event Calendar (Version ) + Event Calendar Pro (Version 6.5.0) plugins installed to create events.
However, once the ‘ACF: Better Search’ plugin is a activated, it impacts the Events page search functionality from the dashboard side, not the front-end.
Whenever I try to search for an event from the dashboard, it returns nothing.
Once the ‘ACF: Better Search’ plugin is deactivated, the search functionality works again.
The plugin is impacting the search from the dashboard, but only to the Events Post type (Event calendar Pro), is there a way to fix this issue?
]]>is possible to add support via this plugin for other custom fields, example woocommerce field like “_sku”
]]>Is it possible to add support to Google Map field?
Is there anyway we can search the acf relationship post object fields?. kindly please help us to solve the issue.
We are using the ACF Flexible Content to create components and we use the clone field to get the component fields from an other field group.
The content that is added on this clone fiend in the flexible content is not searchable.
The clone field works perfectly fine if used outside the flexible content but it looks like the issue is related specifically with this field type.
Any idea about what the issue might be?
Does this work with ACF Custom Taxonomies please?
]]>I’ve found that removing the LEFT JOIN as 'b'
code sped up my query from >2mins to <1sec. I didn’t notice any negative effects in the search results. Perhaps you can either remove this join if it is unnecessary, or otherwise find a way to optimize it.
i have a local enviroment and synchronize my acf fields via acf-json. acf-better-search works local, but not on my productive envirement. is it because there are no acf-fields in the db, only in acf-json Theme Folder?
Thank you for helping me
]]>If there demo for the plugin? I want to created 3 dropdown list and fill each with ACF option, the second list need to filled by the values of the the first and the third it filled by the values of the second.
]]>Hi team, I was using ACF: better search results plugin which works wonders but need an option to search ACF link field type as well. If we need to search links as well. This would be helpful. As we have links to external document / pdf.
]]>Based on the plugin settings, the request should be via “OR”, but “AND” is set, and it searches not by a single word, but as a sentence
in function get_acf_conditions
Search example “Jack Pine”
I ve got similar issue with this one
I ve added all the post types and it only works with the page title not acf fields.
All the acf fields are inside flexible and clone fields, if that helps.
Here is the code:
if ( $query->is_search() ) {
$post_type = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'post_type' );
$post_type = ! empty( $post_type ) ? $post_type : 'any';
$query->set( 'post_type', $post_type );
WP_Query Object
[query] => Array
[s] => We work with airports all over the world to help
[post_type] => solution
[query_vars] => Array
[s] => We work with airports all over the world to help
[post_type] => solution
[error] =>
Thank you!
]]>I added a couple of ACF Fields in a Field Group to my Products, and filled some values for the fields, which are Barcode and and Serial Number. Both have the string 3423, but the search in the Admin returns nothing.
]]>Hello !! I select the “number” field but it is not working. I am searching with number and it does not bring results. Please help !!
]]>Plugin Version 4.2.0
WordPress Version 6.3.1
The box that appears on admin “New opportunities for your website”, I can’t get rid of it. I click on the “X” I click on the “Hide and do not show again” but every time I load the admin area it pops up.
Can you please help.
I have a wysiwyg field within my custom post type posts with description of a real estate item and for some reason the plugin is not able to help to find posts with searched words which appear in this description.
I am using for ACF fields definitions and wonder if maybe that is the problem.
I would like to try to work with Selected mode, but not sure if its possible to define via the acf-builder.
We have a WooCommerce page running with ACF Better search. The search of ACF fields worked fine, but for some weeks it doesn’t find anything custom field related (default field are still working).
Only thing changed is the number of products. There are about 10.000 products now. Configuration didn’t change and on test environment with way less products is working.
How can we check this?
]]>I was contacted by some clients because the search functionality on their site, which was powered by ACF Better Search, had stopped providing results. Weirdly the post search in their wordpress admin had also stopped giving results.
I have just disabled the plugin and the admin post search is back and the front-end search is just regular WordPress search. I would love to get Better Search back up and running as the results are so much nicer.
The clients haven’t installed any new plugins or done anything server-side. The only clue I have is that WP Engine informed them that they were being upgraded to MySQL 8.0 – could that be the cause? If so, how do I fix this?
]]>Hello and kudos on a great search solution, thank you.
As the title says, I just need to translate the word “Search” appearing as placeholder inside the search field to “Busca” on a spanish or portuguese webpage.
I’ve tried Translatepress (which I use for general translation) or Loco translate (which was recommended in some forums) but it seems that neither finds the “Search” legend as placeholder to be able to translate.
Perhaps is hard coded?
I would really appreciate your thoughts.
]]>I can’t seem to find any custom fields with this. If you search for “absolut” it does find page where absolut is mentioned but it does not find pages or for example. Lite mode does not help.
]]>I’ve encountered a weird issue recently where the search results are duplicated when this plugin is enabled. For example if I search for “hello search”, the first match is duplicated a dozen or so times in the search results. Disabling the plugin resolves the issue.
This only started happening recently and isn’t happening on my local or staging sites, only the production site. The few differences in the production site are things like object caching. Of course debugging the live site without access to a step debugger, etc is a bit tricky. Likewise disabling plugins on a busy live site isn’t fun either.
I’ve worked around the issue with this:
function cc_search_distinct($where)
if (is_search()) {
return "DISTINCT";
return $where;
add_filter('posts_distinct', 'cc_search_distinct');
That fixes the issue for me, but I’m not certain what changed in my setup where I suddenly need this. I suspect it has something to do with the sql_distinct
function in act-better-search/src/Search/Request.php
but inspecting those conditions on the live site isn’t easy.
Hi, I love your plugin but for a client I need to make the research by myself for better relevant results.
So first of all, I disabled the plugin but I need it on the back office.
Can I keep the plugin activated and just disabled the ACF better search (with a filter or something ) just before do my query ?
Hi, I am trying to search by ACF and WP_Query “s” param, and I am not getting results.
I got the same result using vanilla WP_Query without any other plugin and the those two params make an AND relationship.
I was hoping to fix that issue with this plugin.
Am I doing something wrong or is this out of the scope of the plugin?
Here is a gist of what I am doing right now:
Are there ways to filter in more field types by any chance? Based on what I can determine, we have a field type named “Code Editor” coming from so the filter method may be our best hope.
]]>Hello Support,
I wanted to advise you on a recent compatibility issue I stumbled upon between Elementor Pro and ACF: Better Search, that the Elementor support team pointed out to me, when trying to resolve an issue.
When creating loop card templates using Elementor Pro’s Loop items section in the Elementor Pro theme builder, I was unable to search and get loop item template results to the loop item templates I created with in the loop grid. Elementor Pro’s Support team determined that not being able to search and show template results was being caused by a third party plugin and upon further investigation, I was able to narrow down the issue by disabling plugins, one by one till I found that ACF: Better Search plugin to be the plugin causing the issue and once disabled, I was able to search and find my templates.
This plugin is not heavily relied upon for my site’s uses currently, but I wanted to report this bug for you and others using this plugin to be aware of this issue.