Thank you very much for creating this great plugin. I just installed it and start testing it.
I installed it on a clean WordPress 4.5.2 with twentysixteen theme, when I try to create an invoice, in the unit price section, I can only type in up to 2 digit numbers, 99, can’t type in more than 2 digits. For example, if I type in 199, it will turns to 1.
Same error on expenses entries.
When I created an invoice and saved, it is not showing in invoice list, but the amount shows in Accounting Dashboard Income & Expense Report.
Just a report for the errors. It might because it’s not fully compatible with the current WordPress version yet.
Thank you again for creating the great plugin. I will continue testing on the remaining functions.
]]>Hi, I really want to thank you for the Plugin, it seems very complete and I have translated it to italian and i think that it could be very good for my small business. But I can not add new clients and vendors. When I try to add a new value appears a white page. I believe that the installation is not complete because in the WordPress database, there are no values for clients and vendors. Thanks for your help
]]>Hi, I really want to thank you for the Plugin, it is very complete and I have translated it to spanish and works very good for my small business in Colombia. In order to work perfectly with the accounting system in my country I need to set properly the accounts numbers and names, but on the Accounts Chart I see there are System Accounts which I can′t edit or delete. Is there any way to solve that?
Thanks for your help.
Is it possible for individual customers to have an accounting page on a website where they can view and transfer (or make transactions)???? Working like money management or wp deposit? Cheers
Dear Team
Thanks for provide us a great ERP plugin with accounting features. After use it I feel few thing is required on this. Such as Invoice deleting, customization etc.
After create an invoice there is no option for delete it or option for customization.
So if there is anything wrong on invoice there is no chance to delete it.
Please take care of this.
Thanks again to this active team.
This plugin is compatible with woocommerce?