Is anyone using this plugin with PHP 8 or later? I’d like to confirm it is compatible before I update my site given this plugin hasn’t had an update in a while.
I have one repeating issue with your plugin. I’m using the accordion for the FAQ section in two different places on client’s?website?but only on the homepage it’s triggering the “This block contains unexpected or invalid content.” error from time to time?and?the accordion is not working correctly then.?I’m able to?fix this with “Attempt block recovery” to make it work for a while, but it can break at any time. I had the same situation?3?times now.?
Can I ask you for help?
Hi. This is a nice plugin, but it seems like it is not being maintained anymore, has it been abandoned?
]]>When I go to edit a page with Accordion Block, Gutenberg warns of problems, Wants me to Recover or Convert to HTML. Recovery worked but it would be nice if we can get Gutenberg to “leave it alone” LOVE THIS PLUGIN
]]>I’m looking to open a specific accordion when sending out links to our pages. Can this be done via a query string or anchor tag?
For example, on the page provided the Owner’s Manual Accordion’s ID is ‘OM’:
]]>Hi, great plugin, thanks for providing! I’m having a small issue using it alongside Facet WP. If you see the page (“up-feb-22” to access) you’ll see the accordions ‘break’ after a filter is selected. Facet WP have said it is simply because the script that initializes the accordions items runs on the initial page load, but not after each FacetWP AJAX refresh that happens when filtering and and that I’ll need re-trigger the accordions within a facetwp-loaded event:
I think example 2 here is what I need:
Will I simply need to replace the trigger in example 2? And what would the trigger be?
Many thanks
Our client is working to improve the accessibility of their website and in obtaining a report this was highlighted with regards to your plugin …
On some pages where there are accordions or other collapsible pieces of content, these may not be correctly read out to screen readers because of the use of the button role.? This fails WCAG 1.3.1 Info and Relationships (A) and 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (A).
Please advise if this is something you are able to resolve in your next update?
Thank you,
]]>I have a series of accordion blocks followed by a button. When I click the button, I want all the blocks to open. I found this thread and adapted that solution like this:
<!-- wp:html -->
<button id="js-trigger" style="background-color:#2b782e;border:none;color:white;padding:15px 32px;text-align:center;">View expanded list</button>
const trigger = document.getElementById('js-trigger');
const title1 = document.getElementById('at-183523');
const title2 = document.getElementById('at-183524');
const title3 = document.getElementById('at-183525');
const title4 = document.getElementById('at-183526');
const title5 = document.getElementById('at-183527');
const title6 = document.getElementById('at-183528');
trigger.addEventListener('click', function(event) {;;;;;;
<!-- /wp:html -->
That code, as you can see, is just in a “custom HTML” block on the page.
It works fine when freshly set up, but the “title” IDs that I’m referring to (which I think are the IDs assigned to the heading/clickable part of each accordion block, e.g. at-183523) keep changing. So for example, I set them up as shown, and at some point the actual IDs (not my references to them) update from being 183523… 183528 to 183529…183534. In other words, they get assigned the next unused IDs. This breaks the functionality of the button. It makes sense to me that this might happen when I edit the accordion blocks themselves, and I could deal with that, but it seems to be happening other times to, perhaps when I just edit unrelated (non-accordion-block) content on the same page and save.
I’m afraid I know very little about javascript or html, so I’m sort of just patching together solutions here based on some programming experience a decade ago. Please advise with that in mind, and ask questions if I left out important info.
Thanks for any help you can offer!
]]>I’m having a compatibility issue with WPML (using the translation editor). The accordion item block appears correctly in the editor both at the title (pb/accordion-item) and content level and it is possible to perform the translation. However in the translated page in the frontend only the content is translated, while the title always appears in the original language.
]]>I’ve created a glossary using nested accordion blocks and links between the terms using html anchors (right sidebar, advanced). Everything works fine as long as I click links that move downwards inside the page. But once I click a link that leads back upwards into another main accordion item, the resp. item will open but not be the item the screen jumps to. Instead it jumps to another place each time.
Example: Open “Personen”, jump to R, open “Reno”, click on “Windar” and then on “Rosa”. It all works fine up to Windar (part of the third main accordion item) but the jump upwards to Rosa (part of the first main accordion item) won’t work.
As long as I stay within one main accordion item the jumps inbetween the nested once do work. But not if I try to leave in upward direction.
We’ve checked the jumping without javascript and then it works fine in any direction. So the bug must be in the javascript somewhere. Is this something that can be fixed within the plugin or do I have to find another solution for my glossary?
Otherwise compliments to the developer, this is definitely the best accordion block out there so far.
]]>Hello Phil!
And many thanks for the great plugin! I ran into a problem when using the Accordion block in the new Site Editor (which is still in beta).
Whenever a template is loaded, the Accordion block breaks with the error message “This block contains unexpected or invalid content.”
The block editor then offers a blue button called “Attempt Block Recovery”. Clicking it brings back the Accordion as expected.
]]>Hi great work!
Is it possible to place a link at the end of the accordion content that closes the accordion?
I have long texts in the accordions and I want the user to come back to the original place after reading. Ideally, the accordion closes when he jumps back.
We get requests from certain of our visitors that our FAQ accordions cannot open and if they can, they close immediately after. I cannot replicate the issue myself but have been able to see screen recordings of visitors that confirm the issue. The issues are on both desktop, tablet and mobile devices but so far only in Chrome.
hello, is it possible to insert icomoon icon before accordion title ?
the plugin is working great so far, but there is one issue.
embedded youtube-videos within the accordion are not visible. the videos are visible in the backend (gutenberg editor), but won’t show up on the site.
on the provided link at the very end of the list of accorions (Zielwurf) I empedded the same video twice: within and outside the accordion item.
any ideas how to solve this?
I’ve noticed today a page with a YouTube iframe that sometimes takes a few seconds to load the video and causes the accordions not to work until all the page finishes loading. There are other scenarios where the page could take longer to finish loading as well, mainly external resources incorporated within the page.
I’ve tried using “ready()” instead of “on(‘load’)” and it fixed the problem, but I can’t be sure it doesn’t have any downsides.
Thanks for your time!
]]>I have no experience with JS and very little experience with HTML, but when I first activated this plugin, the accordion items would stay open upon using the browser’s back function, that way users didn’t have to reopen all the items to resume browsing from where they last left off. I suspect this feature has stopped working due to a WordPress update or something, as I haven’t changed anything or added new plugins since I installed it.
I have a tree of accordion items on my website serving as a sort of library of files, where users can browse different articles and files. However, to avoid having my users click to reopen each accordion item upon returning to the page, I’d like it so that the accordion items can stay open upon going back in the browser. Is there a way to make this possible again?
I am wanting to design this so that the dropdown icon is shown on the left of the text in the heading.
Is this possible?
]]>Great plugin. Thanks!
I see that the plugin supports custom block styles using registerBlockStyle. But does it have its own identifier, such as core/accordion?
]]>Hello. Does the block have API? I need to show it on posts that are loaded via AJAX and it wouldn’t work otherwise:/
Best, A
Hello Phil,
I have built the following structure:
block-group > block-image + block-accordion-item
block-group > block-image + block-accordion-item
block-group > block-image + block-accordion-item
Unfortunately, this way the “auto close” does not work anymore.
I assume this behavior is intentional and will not be manageable differently in the future, right?
Including the icons via “background-image” in the accordion title would be possible as an alternative, although I would then have to create different CSS classes with icons.
The headers of additional accordion blocks only open the first accordion.
]]>Hello! This plugin only works with PHP 7.3 versions? Have you tested it in minor versions? I want to test it, but I can’t because of this…
]]>Hi Phil
Firstly this plugin has really filled a gap so a big thank you.
My question or rather situation is that I have a page that has FAQ’s and I am using your accordion blocks for each question. I was hoping to not to include the question/tab as part of the heading hierarchy and I was wondering whether it is possible to swap it for a paragraph that I can style?
Is there a hook I can use to add a P tag to the list?
Thanks again for your awesome and simple to use plugin.
I’m using WPML to translate my site.
The headings/titles of the accordion still appear untranslated after translation.
The content of the accordion is shown correctly.
Is there a way to include this accordion block inside block patterns? For example we have a “group” with a headline and then 3 accordions as a starting FAQ pattern.
This generates a console error though: screenshot:
I think the issue may be that the unique ID (“uuid”:656110) is generated when the block is created, which may not play well with patterns?
Let me know if you have any questions or would like help troubleshooting this issue. Thanks!
]]>Is it possible to have different “Open by Default” settings based on breakpoints? Sometimes, it makes sense to have the accordions fully expanded on desktop. To optimize for mobile, those same accordion items may need to be “Closed by Default”. This possible? Or perhaps something to add in the future?
]]>Hi Phil,
First of all, thank you so much for this awesome plugin.
I’m currently using two accordion blocks, each within a column block. But the auto close feature doesn’t work. I suppose it’s because they are in a separate div (‘wp-block-column’). Would it be possible to make this work somehow?
Many thanks for your help.
Kind regards,
Hi Phil,
Thanks for providing this brilliant plugin for free.
One issue we have is that it’s difficult to search the entire accordion content with find in page (i.e. Ctrl/Cmd – F). The content can’t be searched unless the accordion item is open.
One way we could get around this is if there was some way to expand all of the items at the click of a button. This method does seem a little hacky, though.
Is this somethind that’s on your radar as a future feature or is it not feasible?
All the best,
Is it possible to use blocks like headlines or other blocks inside the accordion content area? If not, this would be my suggestion for the next update.