Is it possible to Add videos from YouTube (also Shorts) or Media or via Url from Google Drive ?
I’m trying to display several portfolio grids on the same page, but not at the same time. My goal is to let the user choose what filters should appear. Let’s say my portfolios are filtered by size, color and shape. I want the user to be able to show only the shape filters, or only the color filters, and not have all three groups at the same time, which makes a quite long list.
For this I found two solutions:
1. having a separate page for each filters group, but that means slow navigation and lots of loading, when the portfolios are always the same.
2. having tabs on the page, and each tab shows a portfolio shortcode with the right filters selected.
I wanted to get solution 2 working. The fact is, when I open my page, the grid in the first tab works, but the grids of the hidden tabs are all stacked, all images one above the other. It seems the initially hidden grids/masonry don’t load at the right time, but I don’t know much about js and so, and I can’t think of a solution. Is there a way to make this work correctly?
Also, I think my solution is a bit brute force, and maybe we could find something cleaner. If you have any suggestion on this, I’m interested!
Thank you for your help!
I can’t download shortcodes free add-on from your website. It says i’d have an account, but there’s no way to register.
Hi, I really like your plugin, but I’m having a strange issue. I assumed that the option “Main Image Width” in the item posts layout changed the width of the image that shows in the Expander. But it doesn’t actually change anything at all (as far as I can see).
I want to be able to make the main image in the expander a little smaller, and have the right-hand column (I have it set to a 2-column layout) be a little wider. How can I do this, if the “Main Image Width” slider isnt working?
Is there any way to sort the items by alphabetical order ?
just updated to the latest version.
It is showing duplicate image in the single portfolio page.
The featured image is showing twice.
Please take a look at it.
This plugin is cool.
But I am facing one problem.
Can’t download the free “isotope” add-on from your site as this is saying I’d have an account, but can’t find any way to register in your site.
Images are no longer displaying in the portfolio expander when selected. The content is there but no image.
You can see by selecting any image on this page:
Occasionally when I load my page I get this happen
Been trying for a few hours to pinpoint what is causing this to no avail, anything immediately spring to anyone’s mind?
Here is how it should (and usually does) look
this is link to portfolio pages:
1)Today we noticed item expander doesn’t work anymore: when you click on a item, it opens the specific page, not the expander.
We didn’t install any other plugin and didn’t edit something else in last two days.
2)I tried to open pages with Safari and Chrome to test it would a Firefox problem, but not only the expander does not work: the pages don’t show all the elements.
Could you provide any suggestion to solve them?
Thank you
Thank you so much for this incredible plugin! I wonder if I could show the portfolio with a shortcode so I can have it on any page?
]]>Hi Steve!
I would like to disable the automatic creation of the Portfolios page, while I want the portfolio to show on a different page.
]]>I have two problems with the images.
1. The portfolio is used full-size images, not a large or medium-sized, like set in WordPress settings.
2. In the mobile version does not display the images on the card, maybe because this images full-sized.
Demo site – This webpage is not available
I am having this issue. When I share a portfolio item on social media, the link generated does not exist.
How can I fix this?
Thank you in advance
I would very much like to get your plugin to work and use it to awesomely display our work. At the moment, Setting a featured image doesn’t bring the image to the portfolio page. Have a look here:
What I am seeing is that the plugin is calling the blank.gif for a post with no featured image, and just below that, there is a noscript hiding my featured image.
<img style="display: inline;" data-original="//dbkredesign.dbkdev.com/wp-content/plugins/a3-portfolio/assets/images/_blank.gif" class="lyte attachment-a3-portfolio wp-post-image a3-portfolio-lazy-hidden lazy-loaded" src="//dbkredesign.dbkdev.com/wp-content/plugins/a3-portfolio/assets/images/_blank.gif">
<noscript>"<img class="a3-portfolio-thumb-lazy attachment-a3-portfolio wp-post-image" src="//dbkredesign.dbkdev.com/wp-content/plugins/a3-portfolio/assets/images/_blank.gif" data-original="https://dbkredesign.dbkdev.com/wp-content/uploads/aerohunter-featured1-300x198.jpg" /></noscript>
Can you help? We are needing some quick attention.
Thank you
]]>I installed and activated the a3 portfolio plugin because I thought it would be suitable to show a bunch on images along with some text based on a user’s selection.
The site visitor would choose a recent project by some means and based on this selection, a bunch of photos would appear along with three bits of text as follows:
Project Location: City, State (for example)
Site Contractor: XYZ Construction Company
Project Description: Description of Project
I have a recent projects page and a page specific for one of the projects. The appearance of these pages is odd.
]]>Hi everybody i have a issue with this wonderful plug in.
i get a duplicated featured image of portfolio post
the link to my portfolio post : https://agarior.com/skins/usa
]]>Great plugin, thank you. Just one question, say if I want my content to be displayed full width when going below the image, how do I go about? At the moment it is keeping all content on right all the way down rather than filling the page when going below the image, hope that makes sense?
]]>Hello, Is the a3 portfolio compatible with some multilingual plugin?
]]>great plugin, thanks guys! how can i hide the author and date?
]]>Hi. im having an issue when i open the products with descriptions it seems the expand doesnt work correctly. instead scroll the content below. show it over the page.
i tried different theme even the Twenty Fifteen. also unstalled the other plugins but doesnt work.
Please take a look since i already bought the shortcode adon and i want the gallery work Thanks
Thanks in advance
I was having a 404 error page when I click on view link. PHP was throwing error “Trying to get property of non-object in […]/class-a3-portfolio-frontend-scripts.php on line 129”.
Now page is blank (I change only Portfolios page name to other), and on console is 404 error. I do not use now other plugins, all off, theme is based on default “twentyfifteen”.
Hello! I already saw a message about editing the colors, but I just can’t find where I have to go.
Could someone please help me out?!
I want to change the neongreen color into black and I also want to change the pop-up screen from darkgrey into white.
I’m having some knowledge about Custom CSS, but I just can’t find where I have to edit the colors. I already have been editing what the pop-up is showing, there I removed the date/author etc. I did that in Plugins > Editor. So it’s not that I don’t have any idea of what I’m doing.
I’m just asking for someone who can tell me where to find the map/thing to edit the color.
]]>This is not directly a plugin question but maybe you know the answer.
I would like the buttons below the logo to activate corresponding filters. Now they only scroll the page to #content anchor.
website: https://www.nuweb.si/terramystica/
I am using the portfolio plugin for a totally different thing than intended. The portfolio was the best choice for making this “one pager” site. However some functionality could be improved.
My site: https://www.nuweb.si/terramystica/
The title in the expander now links to “portfolio post” is it possible to disable the linking, or make an option in the settings to disable it?
Is it possible to rearrange the order of filters to custom (not alphabetically)?
Can the initial “active” filter be something other then ALL? Or can ALL filter be disabled/removed all together?
I will attempt to solve this issue partially with Icon menu blow the logo by linking to the anchor and selecting the corresponding filter using jQuerry, however this is not optimal solution.
Can the Galleria JavaScript image gallery framework be implemented instead of the existing gallery funcionality? Galleria website: https://galleria.io/
Can a3-portfolio-navigation-mobile be disabled and have the normal filters like the wider screens? If possible please add an option to settings for disabling the mobile manu.
I have a big problem with the page called Portfolios. The filters thar appears are ‘All’, ‘Uncategorized’, ‘MyCategory’ I have only created ‘MyCategory’ in the Portfolio categories.
Also, when I click in ‘MyCategory’, the portfolio item that I′ve created not appears. And, when I click in ‘Uncategorized’ show blog entries ?????
Anyone help me?
]]>Could anyone tell me how to sort the items? There is only one old topic about that marked as resolved but it doesn’t explain how
I installed your plugin, added a category, then created an item and made sure the category was checked under Portfolio Categories. When I to to the item and click “view item” or when I go to “categories” and click “view” under the category name I get a 404 error. This issue was posted a month ago but marked resolved but no resolution was stated. Please help.
]]>Hi Steve and a3rev,
please help me.
I would like to list the alphabetical logos. Where can I set this up?
Where can I replace a post listing date to post listing title?
I tried write admin/settings/template-settings/global-settings.php, it is not working.
‘name’ => __( ‘Maximum Items Per Row’, ‘a3_portfolios’ ),
‘desc’ => __( ‘Maximum Items to show per row in larger screens.’, ‘a3_portfolios’ ),
‘id’ => ‘portfolio_items_per_row’,
‘type’ => ‘slider’,
‘default’ => 4,
‘min’ => 1,
‘max’ => 6,
‘increment’ => 1,
‘orderby’ => ‘title’,
‘order’ => ‘ASC’,
My website: https://trendvilag.hu/portfolios/
How will the list of the first coce logo?