There seems to be a conflict with lazy loading and one of the 3rd party “Divi Image Hover Pro” modules we’re using, preventing the hover effect from engaging because background opacity is set to 1. So we’d like to exclude these modules.
However, when I add “skip-lazy” as a class to the Divi Image Hover Pro module, the exclusion does not work. The image is still lazy-loaded. When I inspect the code, it’s because it applies to the parent “figure” and not to the child “img.” The “skip-lazy” class seems to only work when applied directly to an image. I cannot find a workaround to force lazy loading to skip these specific modules. And adding each individual image to the a3 lazy load settings “exclude images” field (e.g., “wp-image-223767” for all images used in these modules) isn’t an option, because these images are likely to change by editors who do not have admin access to update that (which would be unwieldy to maintain even for an admin).
I have enabled the plugin, but when I load a print preview th images are not showing just a blank space where they should be
]]>Lazy load on videos isn’t working when activate wp rocket “Delay JavaScript Execution” function.
]]>Is there any snippet you can provide in order to remove the lazy loading of the first X images of a product category page? This would help a lot with website speed.
I tried some snippets but i cannot make it work it does nothing.
function add_skip_lazy_class_to_first_six_product_images($html, $attachment_id, $post_id, $image_size, $icon) {
// Only apply this on product category pages
if (!is_product_category()) {
return $html;
static $image_count = 0; // Keep track of how many images have been processed
// Check if the image is part of the main product image (if it's an actual product image)
if (strpos($html, 'class="wp-post-image"') !== false) {
// Add the 'skip-lazy' class to the first six images
if ($image_count <= 6) {
$html = str_replace('<img', '<img class="skip-lazy"', $html);
return $html; // Return the modified HTML
add_filter('wp_get_attachment_image', 'add_skip_lazy_class_to_first_six_product_images', 10, 5);
After activating the plugin (even if images lazy load is disabled), my menu is broken. I did not find any element causing the space, or better said: unexpected padding.
Using Divi theme.
Does anyone have similar issue? Idea for solution?
]]>Hey guys, I was just wondering if you could help with a spinning wheel on the home page of this website. Under the Vimeo video on top, there is a white banner with Christmas trees. A spinning wheel appears behind this, and it is coming from your plugin. I am wondering how I should get this off. Looking forward to hearing back soon.
]]>I am trying to upload a new Vimeo video using Text/visual but the film is not appearing on my website page. It appears as normal on my dashboard ‘visual’ but I am guessing there might be something wrong with the embed code which I have pasted below and this is the vimeo video – Thank You!
<div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="padding: 56.25% 0 0 0; position: relative;"><iframe style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;" title="Screwfix Sprint Influencer Campaign" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe></div>
<script src=“"></script>
<a >Screwfix</a> from <a >Laurence Quinn</a> on <a >Vimeo</a>.
photo desapperance. thanks
Thanks to the support of your plugin, the website speed can be greatly accelerated, but one of the issues is that I can’t enable lazy loading videos and Iframes, after enabling this feature, the video module on the webpage is deformed, but the actual video itself remains unaffected when played.
The height of the video has been elongated both upwards and downwards.
I am using Divi theme, how to fix this error?
Problem Section:
Thank you very much for your support!
]]>Hi everyone.
I was wandering if it is possible to disable the loading effect as I don’t see any way. There is fade or spinner, but I prefer don’t have it at all, since in google speed insight my logo are signed as out of screen images and the galleries in general are very hard to flow probably because of this effect.
]]>Hi. I just discovered that the new “Expand on click” image setting fails to work while a3 Lazy Load is active. I have Version 2.7.1 installed.
]]>Is there a way to add alt text to the lazy loader gifs??
]]>Google Page speed notes that for /wp-content/plugins/a3-lazy-load/assets/images/lazy_placeholder.gif – width and height are not specified
]]>Is there a way to activate placeholders for broken images inside the blog posts?
If there isn’t, this would be a good feature.
I use the Divi video module to display YouTube videos, and videos from local sources. Those two video types are handled differently by the module. Local videos are simply embedded as <video>, and the plugin works well with them. However, YouTube videos appear as iframes. Don’t tell me why, but in this case your plugin adds height and width parameters to the iframe, and, as it seems, these are taken from the video’s largest available resolution (res. 1080p results in width=1080).
Apart from generally questioning the sense of this, it would be helpful if one could switch off lazy load for videos *or* iframes, however, you can only do so for both.
In the video module a class name can not be added to the <iframe>, but only to the surrounding <div>, which does not help (I tried this already).
Thanks for any help.
I use widgets for products, but the rotate icon doesn’t disappear when it loads
Thank you!
]]>I noticed today that images output through code with functions like wp_get_attachment_image()
are no longer getting the lazy load treatment. I checked the changelogs and it looks like a previous update changed it. On inspecting the code, there is a commented out line of code in a3-lazy-load/classes/class-a3-lazy-load.php
, line 84: add_filter( 'wp_get_attachment_image_attributes', array( $this, 'get_attachment_image_attributes' ), 200 );
If I uncomment this line of code, all works as expected.
]]>Before some days, lazy load was working fine on all the videos. But Now lazy load not working on my youtube videos.
I am using latest version of wordpress. latest version of theme.
Kindly help.
]]>I have an Elementor Gallery which is paginated with the Load More functionality, this fails fails to load subsequent pages of images when a3 Lazy Load is enabled
]]>Add to class-3a-lazy-load.php between lines 410 and 411 :
$content = empty( $content ) ? '' : $content;
Hi, first of all thanks for the plugin!
Is there a way to change the spinner image?, since on dark backgrounds it looks all “dented” on the border, like a very low quality .gif.
Thanks for your help!
Best regards,
]]>1) Can this plugin load comments in a lazy way to reduce http requests?
2) Can this plugin lazily load product features to reduce http requests?
3) Can this plugin lazily load the price and regular price of the product?
Thanks for your great plugin, but it’s too bad for an optimization plugin, it generate a warning in PageSpeed Insights because of
The placeholder does not have specific width and height, so it decrease the PageSpeed score and display a warning : Use explicit width and height on image elements.
Can you consider to just add width=”1″ and height=”1″ in your source code for futur update ?
Thanks a lot!
]]>How can I go about stopping lazy loading for above the fold images such as the website banner and the first image on a post?
Please explain the steps I’d need to take as if I’m a complete novice. I’ve added CSS code before so I know that much. Thanks for your time.
I’m experiencing an issue with the above page. I’m using elementor pro with Events Calendar widget. When A3 Lazy Load is enabled, it adds a white space at the bottom of the images. Any suggestions?
]]>Hi there, I get quite a few PHP warnings when i install your plugin on WordPress 6.2. Do you have any idea what these might be about? (this is on our development environment only so far, not a live site)
Many thanks for any help and tips you may have!
PHP Warning: Undefined array key "plugins" in /nas/content/live/blacktracedev/wp-content/mu-plugins/wpengine-s
PHP Warning: Undefined array key "plugins" in /...../wp-content/mu-plugins/wpengine-security-auditor.php on line 193PHP Warning: Undefined array key "a3l_apply_to_textwidget" in /...../wp-content/plugins/a3-lazy-load/includes/updates/a3-lazy-load-update-1.1.0.php on line 16
PHP Warning: Undefined array key "a3l_apply_to_content" in /...../wp-content/plugins/a3-lazy-load/includes/updates/a3-lazy-load-update-1.1.0.php on line 15
PHP Warning: Undefined array key "a3l_apply_to_loadimages" in /...../wp-content/plugins/a3-lazy-load/includes/updates/a3-lazy-load-update-1.1.0.php on line 14
PHP Warning: Undefined array key "a3l_skip_image_with_class" in /...../wp-content/plugins/a3-lazy-load/includes/updates/a3-lazy-load-update-1.1.0.php on line 12
PHP Warning: Undefined array key "a3l_apply_to_gravatars" in /...../wp-content/plugins/a3-lazy-load/includes/updates/a3-lazy-load-update-1.1.0.php on line 11
PHP Warning: Undefined array key "a3l_apply_to_postthumbnails" in /...../wp-content/plugins/a3-lazy-load/includes/updates/a3-lazy-load-update-1.1.0.php on line 10
PHP Warning: Undefined array key "a3l_apply_to_textwidget" in /...../wp-content/plugins/a3-lazy-load/includes/updates/a3-lazy-load-update-1.1.0.php on line 9
PHP Warning: Undefined array key "a3l_apply_to_content" in /...../wp-content/plugins/a3-lazy-load/includes/updates/a3-lazy-load-update-1.1.0.php on line 8
PHP Warning: Undefined array key "a3l_apply_to_loadimages" in /...../wp-content/plugins/a3-lazy-load/includes/updates/a3-lazy-load-update-1.1.0.php on line 7
PHP Warning: Undefined array key "a3l_apply_to_loadimages" in /...../wp-content/plugins/a3-lazy-load/includes/updates/a3-lazy-load-update-1.1.0.php on line 5
auditor:event=activated_plugin {“plugin":"a3-lazy-load/a3-lazy-load.php","network_activation":true,"blog_id":1,"event":"activated_plugin","current_user_id":4,"remote_addr":"2.27.nnn.nnn"}
auditor:event=upgrader_process_complete_plugin {“type":"plugin","action":"install","plugin":"a3-lazy-load","blog_id":1,"event":"upgrader_process_complete_plugin","current_user_id":4,"remote_addr":"2.27.nnn.nnn"}
PHP Warning: Undefined array key "plugins" in /...../wp-content/mu-plugins/wpengine-security-auditor.php on line 193
Hi there! I noticed that when I access the checkout page, the product images on the right load normally. However, when I reach the payment section, the bank payment option takes a while to load, and once it finishes loading, the product images disappear. Is there a way to fix this issue?
I disabled the lazy load plugin at the checkout page but it’s still not working. There is a compatibility issue with?the Fluid Checkout Plugin ->
]]>Hello A3 Team,
I am using the Divi Theme + Divi builder and I got a certain problem with that in combination with your lazy load plugin. I cannot set a “skip-lazy” CSS-class to certain images I want to exclude.
My question now is, if I don’t have the option to add a CSS-class to an image, is there any possible alternative to exclude it per name, or format, or etc.? It is the only .svg image, so I was maybe wondering if it is possible to exclude all .svg images from lazy-loading.
Thank you for your help,
I have just installed the A3 Lazo Load plugin on a website using the Divi theme.
How can I disable the lazy load on specific images? What code do I have to put in the image and where do I put it, in custom css?
Thank you very much!!
]]>I have a background image on a container (Spectra plugin) and google Pagespeed (mobile view) is saying that I should defer Offscreen images. this is the image at the bottom of my site, which doesn’t appear to be picking up the lazy load plugin.