I bought the premium version.
I am very happy with all the functionalities of your plugin.
I just have a small problem : I disabled the bar on mobile but I now have an empty big space instead of the bar.
How can I change this ? (css…)
Best regards,
Hello! How to get worked shortcode there?
]]>Hi guys, just installed the plugin and the top bar covers my content instead of being placed above the content. Is this something you can help me with? Thanks.
]]>For the notification bar, I see the option to turn it off on mobile devices but I want to know if it there is an option for it to show better on a mobile device. ei.) text shrinking and centred within the height of the bar.
I just installed the free version. when enabled the bar appears in front of my sites header instead of on top and pushing down the site content. Is there a setting to push down instead of appearing in front.
Screen shot of issue: https://cl.ly/250d3J0m130I
Also is it possible to display a button link in the free version?
]]>Please how can i disable the notification bar on mobile device?
]]>Hi can it, notify users of new replies to their comments?
If not, could you consider adding this feature?
I would first like to say that you have a great product!
I do have a question before I purchase, I am trying the free version currently, the text only appears from the right side of the page to about the middle of the page. Is is possible to have this go all the way across the top of the page?
Thanks for the great job!
Greetings! I just found this awesome plugin and in the description noticed it had the ability to set the notification position to top, right, bottom or left. However, after I installed the plugin, I was only able to choose the top or bottom position. Is there something I’m missing?
1-the bar cover the top page content instead of pushing it down
2- when the page is loading we see the bar 4 times the height with 4 times the text
Is it possible to fix it?
Thank you!
Using this notification bar to promote a specific page/post. Once the user can click on the bar taking them to the destination, the notification bar is still active.
How can one disable it for a page or post?
Side note: How do you easily remove the top border color styling?
Thank you!
I tried to add open in a new tab attribution, but everytime plugin remove it. Guys, could you fix it in next update or is any way to open link in a new tab?
link – Doesn’t work.
]]>You have a div with class “container” which is a very common class used in many sites, and a main class in Bootstrap. You added css for this class which interferes with my site. Not a huge deal, but might want to fix it.
]]>I currently use Cart66 Pro on my site and when I activate the notification bar, it disables my shopping cart…creates a server error when a user attempts to purchase. Any solutions to that?
I recently installed and am using this plug in for a ticker bar on our website. I was able to get the ticker right where I wanted it with the appropriate text and background color, but I cannot get the text color to change. The settings show the color I want, but the ticker text still appears in black. Can you help?
Our website is https://www.wafederation.org
Nice plugin- Is there a way that the notification bar only shows one time, so that after a visitor push on dismiss or close, it will not return again when visiting the same or other page of the website?
Right now, when you close and visit a new page, it shows up again.
Kind regards,