Hi. I found the plugin given the number of hits. But there is just a numbers, can you update make this number will listed detail hits every single times and IP similar “404 Solution” plugin
Step 1: Open tab “captured 404 URLs”
Step 2: Hover on url detail , click ” view log”
==> Something similar like this.
I am using your redirect plugin.
Somehow links like /new2/subscribe-to-newsletter/[email protected]&b_9d3755e11ed339a54b5a6187a_e8d34c4a0c=&subscribe=Subscribe are redirected to https://thelastreformation.com/page-is-unavailable/, although the website https://thelastreformation.com/subscribe-to-newsletter/ is a valid address. Is it possible to create wild-card strings to say something like:
Do not redirect any link that starts with:
Thanks a lot
I’m using this very good plugin.
But there is a warning : There is another redirect plugin () installed, please deactivate it to avoid conflict
I already uninstalled SEO Redirection by the same developer (fakhris) but the warning is still there.