• multichild


    We have just created an exact copy of our website but in German, and wanted to have the blog on there too, obviously in the German language.

    What is the best way to get this working.

    At the moment one wordpress folder feeds both websites, as they both sit on one server, one a ‘de’ folder the other inside a ‘en’ folder.

    Is it best to duplicate the wordress folder and create another one titles ‘wordpress_de’ for instance, and then is there a plug-in translater to translate the words into German.

    If somebody could help me get started on the best solution, that would be fantastic.



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  • multichild have you come across a solution to your issue? I have a growing German language population accessing my blog and have decided I should create a German version of the blog.

    I don’t speak German so the best way for me to do this is through an auto-translator to create a German version of my blog’s content. I’m very interested in how you’re making out.

    I have tried to use different plugins, specially qTranslate and wpml. However they do have their share of problems depending on you theme and the way the page is build. Now I’m trying to have several DBs, but I know this is not an elegant way of doing it. But if your blog is simple may be the plugins will do (test them somewhere before).

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