• Hello!
    I have the latest version of mailpoet 3.
    in my WordPress installation I have the EventsManager plugin.

    In the POSTS module of the campaign designer, the custom post types EVENT does NOT appear in the drop-down menu. On the other hand, if I see other custom custom types that I have created.

    Is there any incompatibility between Mailpoet 3 and Events Manager?

    Can you help me?? Thank you

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  • I think many others have the same problem. I use both Events Manager and Mail Poet 3 on three of my WP sites and two do not work, so it might be related to the themes.

    Never had this problem with Mailpoet 2.

    Hello Albert, Robert,

    Thank you for your questions.

    In MailPoet 3, the Posts widget will limit post type selection to only those types, which have “exclude_from_search” attribute disabled (see get_post_types function call for reference).
    The CPT you are unable to see will have “exclude_from_search” set to “true”. Usually it would be unwanted post types, like Menu items or post revisions.

    Unfortunately fixing this for your CPT may require some changes in your code.

    Best regards,
    MailPoet Team.

    Thanks for sharing some info on why its not working, although it works well in one of my three sites, so it’s not n issue where all instances of event created by Events Manager are a problem. Please drill down further, contact Event manager developers and offer us a solution at the soonest convenience.


    It’s not MailPoet’s job to find this out for you. They were pretty clear about the parameters they’re looking for. Nevertheless, it took only a few minutes to find a likely source of the difference.

    In Events Manager’s custom post type declaration, the exclude_from_search option looks like this:
    'exclude_from_search' => !get_option('dbem_cp_events_search_results'),

    This corresponds with the prompt for “Include in WordPress Searches?” under the General Settings section of Page Options of Event Manager’s admin section. The visibility in MailPoet would be controlled by this setting, which is at the hands of the site’s administrator.

    Hope that helps.

    Thank you VERY MUCH for helping to make some sense of this issue by simply suggesting which option to click. I finally found that setting, but its not in the place you suggested.

    In Event Manager’s PAGES Settings (not general settings), go to Event List/Archives sub menu, then hunt for “Include in WordPress Searches?” Yes or No. Allow events to appear in the built-in search results.

    Sure enough, that does the trick. I can’t imagine why this setting would be turned off anyway.

    Thanks. I hope Mail Poet will make this fix known to all who suffer from this issue with Events Manager.

    I wasn’t sure where it was beyond reading the code for the Event Manager plugin. ??

    You’re very welcome.

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