Hey @salvagemind,
I hope you’re well today.
I understand your concerns about testing, but if we can’t replicate it in our test environments (without seeing) we can’t solve it. So we should replicate it first. To replicate that you should provide us how we can replicate. And to understand that, conflict tests are essential.
If you can’t test it on your live site, you should install staging site online or local then test it. I already signed up your site and tested, yes I can’t share the link but it doesn’t give any error so there is no way to understand what caused this without conflict test. Maybe you can try WordPress debug logging, for that you need to edit wp-config.php file to put these codes;
/* Debug Settings */
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false);
/* End of Debug Settings */
Then try to share link again. After that check wp-content folder, is there debug.log file? If yes, share the content with us.
Hey @trev68,
Could you please start a new thread? According to www.remarpro.com forum guides you should open a new topic even if the issue looks same;
Unless users have the exact same version of WordPress on the same physical server hosted by the same hosts with the same plugins, theme, and configurations, then the odds are the solution for one user will not be the same for another. For this reason, we recommend people start their own topics.
And we will gladly investigate this further for you, also can you make conflict test and WordPress debug logging too?