• Hello, from a new wordpress user.
    If you feel so inclined, would you mind checking out my site at https://www.cosmicvibes.net/ -they’re isn’t much on it yet as I have spend most of my time on the layout.
    It’s nothing flashy, but as I haven’t tried my hand at any web design since about 1999 (and all those font tags & tables, ugh!) I thought I’d start simple and work from there. I didn’t know any CSS before I started this, so I’ve hacked the default Gemini template to my needs. To my shock it actually validates as valid xhtml & css. I thought I’d mess it up somehow!
    Any thoughts will be greatly valued.
    And many thanks to the wordpress team for making such a wondefull and easy to use piece of software!

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  • Rather nice, but not really original, I could swear I already saw this blog before …
    The “About” link is wrong (leads to //orion/wordpress, guess you have a home little LAN to play with)
    Put somewhere the full version of your graphic header, the pic seems nice ??

    Thread Starter cjp


    Cheers for the heads-up on the link! Your right, I do have a home server to play with -my trusty old linux box. I should probably take more care when copying the files over! I had to use an ugly hard-link hack to make sure the About catergory stays as the last item in the list. Forgot to update it for the web. Ooops.
    The header image (and many more) is available at: https://www.richkni.co.uk/dartmoor/ (I did credit it on the site). This site has some great pictures of the area I live in -when I scrape some more money together, hopefully next month, I plan to get myself a reasonable digital camera and take a few shots of the scenery round here myself.
    Your right, I guess it ain’t that original. But I was aiming for something that actually works on my first attempt! I’ll get the tweaking claws out soon, and actually start writing something I guess.
    Might be an idea…………

    It validates ? Crikey ??

    Thread Starter cjp


    HOW?! Can it still be online?!
    virtual-insanity’s Jamiroquai Site
    If you want to see an example of how not to layout a website, with inline font tags, styled table cells, javascript, and terrible colors: take a look at the above website which was my previous excursion onto the web, last centuray.
    I’m baffeld thats its still there!

    That is awesome ??

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