Well, I downoaded your stylesheet and played around with it, and I couldn’t get it to behave the way it does in Firefox, which is as you wish it to be.
In other words, I thought of that issue, too, about IE only recognizing fixed backgrounds in BODY. So I made your background in #rap attachment: scroll, hoping that would at least cause the background-attachment: fixed in BODY to behave properly, but it did not.
Believe me, I know how frustrating this can be. Hang in there and hopefully someone with more CSS knowlede than I have will come along and bail you out!
And as for your statement, Yeah, it looks “ok”, but I want it as I want it., you must understand (and it took me a LONG TIME to come to terms with it myself) that styles are just SUGGESTIONS to the different browsers. The best we can hope for is that the design renders properly, doesn’t break or crash the browser, and looks somewhat (!) like the designer intended it, or at the very least, is readable. I was trying to offer you some bit of comfort in the fact that it still looked great in IE, those backgrounds just weren’t staying put! I realize that’s not what you want to hear right now.
I’m going to monitor this thread because I am interested in any solutions someone can come up with. Good luck!