• Help! I uploaded 2.7.1 – TWICE! to try and fix the problem. I go to upload a photo and after it is finished “crunching”, I see a “blank” preview and a “broken icon” link in the post itself. I went so far as to clear out my entire blog and start from scratch. It still is not working! Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!!

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  • blythelight


    I, too, am having this problem with upgrading from 2.6.3 to 2.6.5. I have searched the help forums to no avail. A suggested solution was to go to Settings- Miscellaneous- “Store Uploads in this folder” (should be wp-content/uploads). This did not work for me. Mine was already correctly directed. I am not computer-savvy enough to mess with the phpMyAdmin tables. I could not find a line to edit in the theme pages. I did notice that in the html view, the pathway to the images was in all lowercase, whereas my image files were uploaded with both upper and lowercase letters, plus the jpg extension was JPG. I renamed them to all lowercase to match the html path, but that also did not work. My site relies on pictures a lot. I hope I can figure this out. Version 2.6.3 worked fine for me – and I see they are up to 2.7.1 already. I usually only do the upgrade when it’s a one-click process available through Fantastico.



    I’m also having this problem. I installed a WordPress 2.7.1 for a client and while everything else works, we can’t upload any images. And after searching Google for a solution it seems that problems with image uploading in WordPress have been pretty widespread (and go back many versions)



    I had the same problem in IE7. Change the file permissions to 777. That should fix it. Best thing to do is to stop using IE.

    How to Change File Permissions



    I was having the same problem w/ 2.7.1. with images not showing when uploading from computer — made one change and now it works! I went to Settings > Misc > Full URL path to files and deleted the file path here. I left the file path in the field Store uploads > wp-content/uploads. Saved, went back to new post and voila! Image uploaded from computer and fully showing, yay!



    Tried that but it didn’t work for me. Tried every combination of upload directories and various paths, tried .htaccess files in wp-admin, tried resetting permalinks and have had my host confirm permissions set to 755.

    Nothing allows me to insert an image via the text editor, apart from FTP direct to folder then choosing “link to URL”.

    I’m surprised by the number of people who have had this type of problem and the range of solutions offered. None worked for me and I’m getting desperate.

    Any other suggestions out there?



    I just upgraded to 2.7.1 and had the same issue. I deleted the (oddly spurious) entries in “Miscellaneous”, “Settings”, “Store Uploads in this Folder”, and then had no problems.

    I had the same problem and tried the deleted the path in the box “Store Uploads in this Folder” as explained by ‘pcuk‘ above and it is working fine now.

    Well, I had no funny entries in the folder, they mapped correctly to the files on the ftp, and I changed to 777 and still nothing.

    Any new ideas?

    Same problem as everyone else when I updated to 2.7, but did the suggestion of missingrid (settings > misc > store uploads in this… and deleted what was there. Both fields are blank, saved and now it works! Thanks!! It didn’t restore all the old pictures, but at least I can put them back in.

    Next time I’m waiting AWHILE before I upload a new version! So they get the kinks out first.


    I have been grappling with this wp 2.71 issue since inception (new blogger so only since early April) but thank you soooo very much for this info…I did what you all recommended above and it worked!! To all who take the time to visit and share solutions…it’s truly wonderful!

    This really is a great community and I’m so glad to be a part of it!

    Best to you all!

    Same here, It’s because of people taking the time to discuss these issues that solutions can be reached and further waste of time avoided. Thank you all. Having said that I had the same issue and followed the advice of missingrid and mommaschoice and the issue seems to be resolved. I don’t know how the both of you arrived to that solution but thanx for the tip.

    Hi folks

    I just joined the forum because I have been having difficulty uploading new photos too. I’m not sure if my problem is the same as everyone else. Months ago, I started having trouble with IE. Now Firefox won’t upload new photos when I click on media. Anything already in my media gallery inserts just fine.

    When I click on Choose files to upload, nothing happens. No window opens up at all.

    I still have wp 2.5.1 and I am not a techie on this stuff. My web person handles it all and she can insert photos just fine.

    Does Norton have anything to do with all this? Should I try the things suggested to everyone else?


    Hi everybody,

    I’ ve got no solution – facing the similar problem. I’m using version 2.7.1 and now I can’t upload any images. First I thought it’s a problem linked to the upgrade of the next-gen gallery. But reading all the trouble here I doubt it’t. Same problem a martynmoore mentions…

    On any media-upload I always get the message:
    Das Verzeichnis /wp-content/uploads konnte nicht erstellt werden. Ist das darüberliegende Verzeichnis für den Webserver schreibbar?
    In English something like
    “Could not establish directory /wp-content/uploads. Make sure that the webserver can write on the directory above.”…

    Any new solutions. Already checked the pathe in the settings – is ok. Tried different file attributes – even 777. Error is still there.

    Please – help me anyone!
    Thanks a lot in advance!


    Try disabling plugins. It might be that. Have seen it before.

    Either change the settings to dump everything into wp-content/uploads (with 777 permissions) or you may have to create the sub-folders it wants to create manually. I had one picky install where I had to create the folders for it manually. Ended up just telling it to use the uploads dir.

    Typically, this is due to the permissions that your “user” account runs on the web server – nothing to do with wordpress. This account is typically your FTP username. Some companies set these user accounts with little permissions on the server, sometimes it causes problems.

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