• Resolved admintax


    I want to change the blue to another color while keeping the background white. For example, the background, menu. buttons.etc. Please let me know how this is possible. Thanks

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  • Thread Starter admintax


    Figured it out. You have to change under css files

    Hello admintax,

    You can change color in a default.css file so blue color is changed. Go to enigma theme directory -> CSS folder -> default.css file. Here you can change color code #31A3DD to color code you want.
    Please let us know for further query.


    If you want to change the color and not effect anything else on accident, copy only these lines from the css file. Use a text editor to replace ’31A3DD’ with whatever color you want. In the customize section, in theme options > general theme options – paste your edited css into the css editor section there. That way whenever the theme updates, you wont lose your changes.

    .hd_cover {
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    	border: 2px solid #31A3DD;
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    /**** About us page Css *************************************************
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    @designdebonair : Thanks for contribution, Making this ticket closed.

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