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  • Hi,

    Thanks for contacting.

    You have to do some extra modification in css and php file to achieve your goal. Follow the below steps:

    1. After replacing button li just before <?php if($package_feature) { ?> replace li with div.
    2. You will get pricing_table_plan li class before it. Cut button div and replace after h1 tag there.
    3. Go to line 179 in the same file and find div#<?php echo $tableID; ?> div.package_details li.plan-. At the end set line-height as line-height: <?php echo (int)$packageCombine['pbody']-50; ?>px; by replacing line-height: <?php echo $packageCombine['pbody']; ?>;.

    Now, you have to edit wrcpt-front.css file. Follow the below step:

    1. Search for .pricing_table_button class and remove li before the class in every where. In a word, replace li.pricing_table_button to .pricing_table_button.
    2. Replace
      div.wrc_pricing_table div.package_details .pricing_table_button {background-color: #ccc;width: 100%;float: left;padding: 25px 0 !important;text-align: center;border-top: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0, 0.2);border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0, 0.2)}
      div.wrc_pricing_table div.package_details .pricing_table_button {width: 100%;padding: 0 !important;text-align: center;line-height: normal;}

    Hopefully, you will achieve your goal in this way. Let me know if have any trouble to understand.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by moviehour.
    Thread Starter hackvocat


    Hi Iftekhar,
    thanks for your response.

    Unfortunately I don’t unterstand the first three steps.

    The changes in wrcpt-front.css are clear.

    Could you mabe explain the changes in wrc-pricing-tables.php again?

    Thank you very much!

    1. At line 213 you will get button code, remove it.
    2. At line 198 you will get:

      <h1 class="package_plan txcolor-<?php echo $packageType['pid']; ?>"><?php if(is_numeric($packageType['price'])) { ?><span class="unit"><?php echo $packageType['unit']; ?></span><span class="price"><?php echo $packageType['price']; ?></span><span class="cent"><?php if($packageType['cent']) echo '.'.$packageType['cent']; ?></span><span class="plan">/<?php echo $packageType['plan']; ?></span><?php } else { ?><?php echo $packageType['price']; ?><?php } ?></h1>

    3. Replace the above code with:
      <h1 class="package_plan txcolor-<?php echo $packageType['pid']; ?>"><?php if(is_numeric($packageType['price'])) { ?><span class="unit"><?php echo $packageType['unit']; ?></span><span class="price"><?php echo $packageType['price']; ?></span><span class="cent"><?php if($packageType['cent']) echo '.'.$packageType['cent']; ?></span><span class="plan">/<?php echo $packageType['plan']; ?></span><?php } else { ?><?php echo $packageType['price']; ?><?php } ?></h1>
      <div class="pricing_table_button bbcolor-<?php echo $packageType['pid']; ?> button-<?php echo $packageType['pid']; ?>"><a href="<?php echo $packageType['blink']; ?>" class="action_button"<?php if($packageCombine['nltab'] == 'yes') { ?> target="_blank"<?php } ?>><?php echo $packageType['btext']; ?></a></div>
    4. Follow from step 3 from the previous answer.


    Thread Starter hackvocat


    Unfortunately, it’s not working at all!

    As I wrote, I want an additional button right under the price-row.

    With these changes, both buttons disappear behind the columns.
    Even following your steps, meaning removing the button at the bottom, the buttons under the price is hidden behind the column.

    I’m using version: 2.2.2.

    You are doing something wrong which I can’t say without having a look into your code. If you have no problem you can give me your WP admin access in my mail address. add gmail… after realwebcare. That is my address.

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