• Wondering if this error is being thrown because CF7 does not recognize CF7-DTX (Contact Form 7 – Dynamic Text Extension) syntax:

    If you use a “Reply-To” header, in “Additional Headers”, under the Mail tab (in admin), it will always show an error: “Invalid mailbox syntax is used in the Reply-To field”, if we are filling the field using dynamictext. CF7 docs, indicate that this syntax should be used for required email Reply-To fields: “[email* your-email]”. However, when using CF7-DTX, I’ve tried syntax like “[email* dynamictext-74]” and “[dynamictext* dynamictext-74]” without success.

    Is there a syntax which won’t throw this error?

    The problem has been posted and ignored in CF7-DTX Support Forum. Thought I would try to fix it but (before I go down a rabbit hole) just want to check whether this might be an issue with CF7 interpreting CF7-DTX syntax… Any idea?

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by FeralReason.
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