This seems to be one of the commonly asked features, even amongst development. This is a feature that is part of the roadmap, and some updates were built with pagination in mind, but hasn’t been fully implemented yet.
The main concern has been memory usage, but compared to older situations, pagination would be more in line with WP’s Query object.
Unfortunately at the current version ( v0.4 ), pagination is not possible…unless you found a way to fake it. You can use the same Post List shortcode multiple times, and enable Exclude Duplicates on Current Page on the Post List. How you choose to display it is up to you, but an example could be the use of Tabs.
The pagination feature would be a project though with a series of tasks. Some of which may include…additional shortcodes, expanded internal shortcode instance, and likely an AJAX function (which the primary focus is the lowest amount of processing).
The feature has gotten closer to release, but is still marked as TBD.